Chapter 10: The First Mission! Telling a Sad Past

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 10 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After what happened at the CCT tower, (Y/N) and Ruby are headed to Ozpin's office to explain what happened since Ironwood saw them at the tower after fighting someone who was wearing a mask. The elevator arrives as they walk towards them and they look at them......................
Ozpin: "Alright, (Y/N). Miss Rose, can you two explain what happened?"
(Y/N): "Well, I was walking out and headed back to Beacon and I noticed someone running across the rooftops. What the person was wearing looked like a thief uniform, when I arrived at the CCT tower. Most of the soldiers were either killed or knocked out."
Ruby: "I also noticed the person running on the rooftop as well."
Ironwood: "Did you get a good look at this person?"
(Y/N): "This was a woman who was responsible, she was wearing a mask, but her hair color was black, her eyes are amber, when I fought her her outfit started glowing like it was ignited by fire and summoned weapons."
Goodwitch: "Wait, her outfit did that? That's just like the woman I fought when I met Miss Rose chasing Roman."
(Y/N): "And *pulls broken USB chip from pocket* she had this. And I stopped her from what she was doing."
Ironwood: "A USB? *takes it and looks at it* This'll show what that woman's intentions was, thank you."
Ozpin: "You two may go now."
......................they walk out as they go down the elevator and they head back to their dorms as (Y/N) packs his stuff to get ready for his mission with his teammates. He hears the intercom with Goodwitch's voice being heard and they head to the amphitheater, they arrive as (Y/N) sees Ruby and her team as well with Ruby wearing a backpack for some reason; but he let's it be. They arrive with Prof. Peach to a forest about miles from Mt. Glenn as they walk in the forest as they check everywhere......................
Linda: "So, professor why are we here?"
Prof. Peach: "We're on the look out of Grimm, with Team RWBY and Oobleck in the destroyed city, we must look for Grimm and see what the White Fang are planning. They would usually go in the city and hide, but they have a good advantage outside the city as well."
Eric: "That's a good point."
Prof. Peach: "There are ruins here as well, so it would be best if we check it out. Be alert on anything that comes at you."
......................they look around as (Y/N) is walking around searching everywhere, then he bumps into something as he picks it up to reveal a stuffed animal.......................
Young (Y/N) 'echoing': "Thank you mommy."
......................he starts getting flashbacks of his childhood as he looks away and growls, he throws it on the ground and continued his investigation. He walks away from the ruins and hears a branch snapping as he turns his head a little, he quickly turns around as a Beowolve is seen going to pounce him, he he shoots it in the head with an arrow as it falls on the ground dead. It slowly turns to ash and (Y/N) continues walking through the forest......................

3rd P.O.V

......................after everyone looked around the forest, they hid at a ruins where the Grimm won't find them and they started a campfire to keep themselves warm. (Y/N) was already there as he sat next to the fire with Cy and Tiffany, Linda, Eric, and Prof. Peach as they sat down......................
Eric: "After an entire day of looking around, all we saw was Grimm."
Linda: "A whole bunch."
Prof. Peach: "Yeah. But, we can't give up. We have to keep searching."
Tiffany: "Kinda creepy out here since we're hiding in a ruin."
Linda: "I'm sure things will be okay, as long as we're safe here."
Prof. Peach: "While we're here, what made you way to learn at Beacon to become Huntsmen and Huntresses?"
Eric: "Mine's kinda weird, but all I want is to destroy all the Grim in this world. To give this world the peace it deserves."
Linda: "I have the same thing, we both have that goal."
Prof. Peach: "What above you Tiffany?"
Tiffany: "I want to honor my family, they've been doing this for a while and I want to continue that."
Prof. Peach: "Incredible. Cy?"
Cy: "I want to be as great like my cousin, she meant so much to me that I want to do what she did and become strong just like her."
Prof. Peach: "Wow, I'm sure she'll be proud to see what you've achieved. *looks at (Y/N)* What about you (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): *looks at her confused* "Huh?"
Cy: "What made you decide to become a huntsman?"
(Y/N): "I-It's complicated."
Tiffany: "Come on (Y/N), I asked you before and you gave me that excuse. Now maybe you should let us know."
......................he looks away as he balls his hands into fists, he sighs in defeat as he looked at them....................
(Y/N): "You want to know? *they nod* I want to fix the wrong that was placed on people, make sure that they will be okay in the future."
Cy: "What made you decide that?"
(Y/N): *looks away* "The day that changed me and that I will always remember for now on."

Flashback-8 Years Ago a house where in a room fit for a kid, a young (Y/N) is asleep as he quietly snored. As he kept sleeping he started smelling smoke as he woke up to see his room having smoke all around, his eyes widen as he gets up and runs out to see fire coming from downstairs and he coughs while heading to his mother's room......................
Young (Y/N): "Mom! Mommy, where are you? Mom!"
......................he continues walking and as he does he falls through the floor as the wood was burnt under him and he luckily lands somewhere where the fire didn't spread at. He coughs after landing on the grind since the air went out his body and everything started falling from everything burning, (Y/N) looks around as he sees a shadow walking away as its his mother......................
......................she stopped a little, but she walked off still. He sat there seeing his own mother walk away from him as she left him to die. He suddenly felt anger replacing fear as he gets angry......................
......................he yells at the top of his lungs, while he does the fire around around him suddenly started going to his body absorbing it. As he continued he lets out a big yell while the house around him breaks apart from his power unleashing, he sits there as he slowly cried knowing his own mother abandoned him to die......................


......................everyone was so shocked to find out about (Y/N)'s childhood, they couldn't believe it as he looked down sad from telling them......................
Linda: "So, you're doing this just to find your mother? *he nods* But, why would she leave you like that?!"
(Y/N): "That's what I want to know when I find her."
Eric: "You'd have to be traveling around the kingdoms to find her."
(Y/N): "I know and I don't care. All my life I've been feeling hate from what she did to me and now I'm going to fish my mother and ask her why she abandoned me like that."
Prof. Peach: "And what if she doesn't tell you?"
(Y/N): "Then I'll force her."
......................they looked at him surprised and he gets up as he walks away from them as he rests his shoulder on a piece of the ruins looking out into the forest. Tiffany and Cy looked at him worried as they know he doesn't feel any other emotions as its just hate, (Y/N) looked on as he remembers more and he balls his hand into a fist as fire is seen around igniting around it as his started glowing as well."

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

A Rose's Raging Flame: Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now