Omake 2&3: Yuck Toss, Eating Bad Items

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708 Words but it's Omake so it doesn't matter~

Some more omake that I've been thinking about for a while but have been too lazy to write till now~ Cold weather is optimal motivation for berry~

Written September 8 2019

Omake 2: Yuck Toss
Time: Before Omake 1

Kaito beamed, letting out excited chirps and trills as the blond peoples approached the feeding area. It looked like the blond peoples was carrying a different yummy than usual. Kaito loved new yummys, they were just so new and yummy. He flashed the blond peoples a happy grin when the blond peoples reached the edge of the tank.

'Yummy, yummy! New yummys!'

He took in a breath before popping his head up above the water level and held out both hands expectantly. The blond peoples made an amused sound before dropping some different textured food blocks into Kaito's hands. They were a few shades darker than they normally were.

'Yay, yay'

Once he got hold of his new food, Kaito swiftly retreated under the water line, trilling happily as he stuffed the new yummys into his mouth. A moment after the food touched his tongue, a scowl crossed over Kaito's face as he spat the yuck out. Indigos glared at the floating yuck. This wasn't a yummy! He'd been expecting a brand new yummy, not this icky yuck!

'Not nice! Mean blond peoples!'

Kaito frowned, the blond peoples had tricked him! He quickly snatched the floating yuck into his hands and surfaced the water. Indigos gleamed, a mischievous grin on his face as he took aim at the retreating blond peoples and flung the soggy projectile.


The sudden impact of a soggy mass against the back of his head caused Saguru to pause in his steps. He slowly brought his hand to the back of his head and cringed when he looked at the sample in his head.

'Why does he always insist in flinging things he doesn't like at me?'

Despite himself, a small nostalgic smile spread across his lips, the impact had felt similar to that of Kid's dye bombs. Something that he hadn't experienced in years. Gold glanced back at the former magician who seemed to be quite smug about his success. He let out a small sigh "I can't even muster up even the slightest bit of annoyance from that..." He breathed. The action was so 'Kaito' that it only served to remind him of the past.

'I would have much rather watch helplessly as he jumps around dodging bullets like a fool at night and have him tease me all day than to watch him like this...'

Saguru shook his head to clear his thoughts before wiping his eyes feeling bitter.

'Back then I never would have imagined that I'd miss those days...'


Omake 3: Eating Bad Items
Time: Before Omake 1

Saguru tossed a small red rubber ball into the tank, he'd heard of many marine animals playing with balls so he figured that he might as well see if Kaito would like it. Any sort of socialisation or mental activity was good for Kaito.

'If only he wasn't so scared of fish, then he could have played with them all day long...'

He had a wry smile as he thought about Kaito's main food source. In actuality he was just having fish ground up and fed to Kaito. He let out a small snicker as he realised that the old Kaito would have thrown a sub-atomic fit if he'd found out. His smile quickly faded. That Kaito was gone.

A startled trill cut through his train of thoughts, gold quickly shifted towards the direction of the sound's origin. His breath caught when he noticed that Kaito was flailing while desperately grasping at his neck. He hurried over in confusion before horror dawned upon him. The ball was nowhere in sight. The ball was also small enough to fit into Kaito's mouth. Kaito had tried to eat the stupid thing and was now choking.

'Dear god he's as bad as a toddler!'

The blond swiftly put on his respirator and dived into the water, swimming over towards the stupid idiot. He easily restrained Kaito, the other quickly stilling when grabbed. Saguru smirked at how odd Kaito's instincts were. He quickly opened Kaito's mouth and popped the rubber ball with his pocket knife before swiftly pulling his hand away. He hadn't wanted Kaito to accidentally bite the knife. He watched as Kaito made coughing motions before the plastic was expelled.

'I should train him to only eat food...'

He inwardly winced at the thought of 'training' Kaito, it wasn't right. Though it was also necessary for his survival.

Me: This was fun to write~ Even as a merman Kaito still flings things at Hakuba~

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