Shark week. |S/M |

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el period.
Requested by: emilen_striker (I know I misspelt that)

Result: What the fuck?

During your horrid monthly occurrence your curled up in your bed, just waking up to realize, you've started and it was a bit heavy. And if that wasn't embarrassing enough, Asch was now shaking and demanding you tell him how you weren't head and where you were hurt.

After sitting down and explaining the whole period thing to the poor prince, he looked more confused and disgusted, asking if it happened to human males as well. It's going to be a long week.

Result: panic

Thinking that you were attacked, the tall daemos demanded you tell him who harmed you and insisted you get medical help as "you've lost a lot of blood" and though it took awhile to settle him you eventually explain how it was normal and it happened every month, he went from panicked to sympathetic and began to pat your head in an attempt to confront you, blocking your from leaving the room for a bit.

Result: why aren't you healing?

Instead of panic or worry, the green-horned daemos
Was forcing you to lay down while he attempted to heal you, but you were still bleeding, he got angry and said whoever hurt you would pay as it was his job to do so and then you began to explain what was happening, and like Asch he was also a bit disgusted but was still wondering how his healing didn't work.

Result: level headed boi

You were thankful Rhys was leaves headed, as, while he was worried he was very easy to explain the situation to and it was nice to talk with him and relax while he tried to look into potential medications to ease your cramping.

But it was a different story trying to explain how why you needed to use the feminine products as he couldn't fathom why they were as they were(in the case of tampons).

Result: she's dead?!

Noi, being the innocent person he is freaked out about the blood and started crying cause he thought you were dead, but upon waking from your nap you not only found the crying daemos boy but that your period had started, he was difficult to explain things to cause he thought you died every month, so you had to do more soothing to try and calm him but again, he grew scared when your cramps hit and though you were being harmed...

My inner demons: XReader insertWhere stories live. Discover now