The beginning -intro chp. 1/2-

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Why? Why? Why?

Your footsteps echoed down the hall as the soft clicking of your heel make contact with the ground every so often.
"Why can I find her?" Your voice strained as you stopped in front of an alley. Your cat, the one thing you care for beyond all else ran out when you opened the door after coming home. Just when the last strands of hope were beginning to fall from your fingers a soft mew along with a brushing against your leg revelled your cat, the (coat type) furball you named (p/n)
"There you are (girl/boy)" your voice spoke with softness as you cradled your fur child close before a harsh voice snapped.
"Human, that spirit was guiding up, unhand it" you looked up in confusion at the male, no group of males, all holding horns and what looked to be like costumes, but it was con weekend so it wasn't uncommon.
"Sprit? No this if my cat (p/n)" you spoke with a smile before one of the males who wore blue horns tilted there head
"Cat?" He questioned, his voice holding a soft accent as you nodded, disbelieved he didn't know what a cat was.
"Oh. I'm sorry I'm not into the role playing scene so you can talk normally with me." You offered lightly, not wanting to have to decode there words, the raven haired male in front clicked his tongue and held up his hand to form a ball of fire making you step back and him smirk.
"Now, human I don't know what your talking about but unhand the sprit now" he spoke and you caught notice of a gold ring wrapped around one of his horns.
"Dude..stop how are you doing that?" You asked with fear lacing your voice and with that you turned to run only to hear a command.
"Grab her!" The next few moments few by slowly, you turned the corner and the souls of chasing foot steps could be heard, your cat grew fearful and meowed with fear as you swore to protect them, a fire ball narrowly missed you as you one again turned onto your street. Your breath grew laboured as you tried to quickly enter your house but were trapped by a taller man and the chasing footsteps stopped with a bit of laboured breathing
"good job pierce" just then (p/n) jumped from your arms and tried to get threw the closed door as you screamed and a hand covered your mouth.
"Seems the sprit chose this home for us. Your highness my I suggest this human as a prisoner?" The same voice who questioned the existence of a cat spoke before the sound of a younger ish voice chimes in
"So cool!" And with that, 5 horned men pushed there way into your house and you were still held in the large mans grasp forced to struggle and scream in hopes you were heard before a large hit came to your head and darkness followed.

(Ok, listen I can do one shots or I can make this a single story but I'll probably favour some boys over the others :p I'll let ya'll pick)

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