"I missed you, too"

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We were strolling through mostly empty streets and talking about our past and funny stories from our parents, and how life was back home. We were laughing like little kids, not caring about people around, focusing only on now. 

Remembering how wonderful and unburdened life was, how we grew up, how we changed and learned through mistakes, Owen told me about his first audition and how nervous he was, thinking then he would pass out in front of the camera. I patted his shoulder and looked at him with understanding, at which he laughed and asked about my most stressful moment.

I told him it was when I first acted in the play in my primary school and had the main role of a fairy. I was so stressed, my knees were shaking. As I remembered, I was wearing glittery crooked wings, a wide violet skirt with white tights and a top with a glittery heart on it, which mom and I found at a very cheap store and were surprised by the quality. I was supposed to sing a song about flowers but got really nervous and sang a Christmas song instead. Owen started laughing, bringing his hand to his mouth to cover it.

"I remember how parents in the crowd went silent."  I looked at Owen, gesturing with one hand, while the other was in my pocket.

"I swear I could hear our drama teacher sigh deeply" I shook my head -"I got really embarrassed and scared" lowering my head, Owen stopped and so did I, still rubbing my eyes in the sudden flash-back.

I felt a hand under my chin, and I put my hand down, Owen lifted my head up, so our eyes would meet.
His eyes were  oceans' blue, and clear as ever. It felt to me i was ready to drown in them willingly.
He slowly placed a kiss on my lips.

"I am sure you sang wonderfully" a small smile rose upon his lips. I kissed him again, as he pulled me close to him, holding tight, and I locked my hands around his neck.

Everything around seemed to disappear. The only thing that mattered was us. Was him. Everything felt right. Felt amazing.

I brought my hands to his cheeks, they were cold, soft and rosy. We pulled apart, still holding each other.

"I missed you."

"I missed you, too." - small dimples appeared on his cheek. Freckles were constellations, his eyes were the most beautiful colour in the world. There was nothing I would rather look at this moment... or ever.

He pulled me into a tight, warming hug.

Every thought in my head, every feeling in my body wished to stay forever like this...


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