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I take you sometimes

You're like a drug

A depressant perhaps

Or even a suppressant

If that's what it's called

I managed to take a cup of you

But in the end you're gonna be digested

You're going to get out of my life

And become a memory

But why is it

That you come back

And you make me feel the bitterness all over again

Even if it sucks

A part of me becomes quite happy

Right now, you're not a drug

You may be part of my happiness

You may be part of my sadness

You may be part of my madness

But what causes me to be like this

Is me, myself, and I

And now I know that you've got a purpose

Even though it's just part of me

At least you've become one of the many, many signs I've written all over me

I don't know why I'm typing this

But this is all I've got

And my mind has gone mad

Not thinking of you


euphoria's tribulationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora