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I know this may sound cliché but maybe it was supposed to be cliché. The day I met Lena was a rainy day. I was walking home from ballet class when it started to storm. I ran into a small cafe to protect myself from the rain. When I was inside I looked around and saw that there were only three small tables and lots of books. At one of the tables sat a girl with blonde hair. She looked up and smiled. Then she waved her hand signing I had to come to her.

I walk over to her. "Sit down," she said. "Are you cold? Need my towel to dry yourself? Do you want something to drink?"

A bit overwhelmed I said, "Hot chocolate is fine."

"Alright!" she said. She put down the book she was reading and ran to the bar which I hadn't noticed yet. "Two hot chocolate with whipped cream please."I hear her say. I turn around and saw her talking to an old woman who I assume must be the owner.

I sat down at the table and looked at the book she was reading. She was reading Little Women. I guess she is a literary fan.

The blonde girl came back with two big mugs with hot chocolate and whipped cream.

She sat down as she gave on of the mugs to me. "I think I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Lena. My dad got a job here and we moved to here with him."

"I am Nora."

"Nice to meet you Nora. Do you do ballet?" Lena nods at my pink ballet costume.

"Yeah. I just came from ballet class when it started to rain."

"Cool! I used to do ballet too until my dad got this new job where he has to move all across the world. Since then I find it useless to apply and quit after a few months."

"Oh." is all I say.

We both take a sip of our hot chocolate causing Lena to laugh.

"Where have you lived before you moved here?" I ask.

"London. And before that in Tokyo, Hong Kong, New York, somewhere in Switserland and many other places. I have seen a lot but never really had time to make friends."

"You can make one now."

Lena smiles. It is a very beautiful smile. Her eyes smile too when she smiles.

"Thanks Nora." she whispers.

We talked for a long time until the old woman told us she was closing the cafe. Lena and I exchanged numbers and we chatted all evening after we both went our own ways.

I convinced her to join my ballet club and within a few days we became best friends and inseparable. Slowly autumn turned in to winter. And not much later snow started to fall.

On the first snowy day of the winter, Lena and I were walking from ballet class to her house. The first snowflake I saw fell on Lena's nose.

"Oh my god!" Lena shrieked. "It is snowing! I haven't seen snow for a few years now."

She looked up and saw many snowflakes were following and jumped around. I laughed because of her. Watching her being weird made me realise I really liked her.

It started snowing harder and we made our way to Lena's house. There her dad made us hot chocolate with whipped cream while we heard on the news that a snowstorm was approaching Stockholm.

"Maybe you should stay here for the night, Nora?" Lena's dad suggested.

"I will give my mum a call."

And that is how I ended up in Lena's bedroom for the night sharing secrets and embarassing moments in our lifes.

"Do you have a crush right now?" Lena asks.

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