Confused feelings...

Start from the beginning

I walked back to the table to see Hannah talking to her mum on  the other table and Pressley sat there by herself looking really upset.

B- press. You okay?

P- not really. It's fine I don't want to talk about it right now.

She says this as Gia comes back from the bathroom and sits down at her seat.

After we had finished the meal. We said bye to Gia and Hannah and got into the car. I didn't say much the way home and Pressley didn't either. She just sat there staring out the window looking as if she was going to cry.

Presley POV~~

We got back to mine. What Gia had said had really upset me. I guess i was right. Everything was too good to be true...

I walk straight to my room leaving my mum Brady's Mum and Brady with a confused face.

B- I'll go talk to her.

I got into bed and hid under the covers. I felt like an idiot.

All of a sudden I hear the door open.

B- press?

She says nothing.

B- please tell me what's wrong.

P- (crying) how could you Brady?!

B- huh?

P- I thought you liked me for me I thought I had actually found someone who understood better than anyone else.

B- Pressley. Where have you got this from? ( confused)

P- Gia.

B- and your gonna believe her?

P- well yeah... when you went to the bathroom she told me you liked her and explained that you didn't like me and I wasn't good enough for you and I was a mess, ugly, a terrible dancer. ( brakes down crying)

B- Pressley look at me. ( she looks up to him).
I promise you none of this is true and you need to trust me on this one. Gia likes me. She told me when she saw me when I had finished in the bathroom. Of course she's gonna tell you I like her to try and get you away from me.

P- you promise?

B- why would I lie. Pressley you are the nicest, prettiest girl I have ever met. And the add to that. Your one of the best dancers I have ever met as well.
( Brady started to tear up)

P- wipes the tear away from Brady's face and looks at him in the eyes.

None of them said anything but looked at each other.

B- I'm sorry Pressley. You don't deserve any of this. Any of what Gia day. You need to promise me you won't listen to her. Please?

P- I guess.

At this point they were both crying. Pressley was upset about what Gia had said and Brady was upset that Pressley had thought what Gia said was true.

They got under the covers and hugged facing each Other.

P- Brady?

B- yeah

P- I need to tell you something.

B- Brady looked down to her whilst they were hugging.

P- I.. I.. love you Brady.

B- I love you too Pressley.

They both smiled and kissed.

Pressley POV~~

After about an hour. Brady had to head home as we had dance early tomorrow.

I walked out to Brady's car with him.

P- bye Brady.

They hugged and he kissed her cheek.

He got into the car and they drove away.

A- are you okay press?

P- yeah. Can we talk Mum?

A- of course.

They sit down on the sofa.

A- sooo. What's up?

P- I'm just confused mum. I have never felt like this before...

A- felt what press?

P- love...

A- (smiles) it's a confusing word. And thing. I know your only young but I know your mature enough to know what it means.

P- yeah I guess I do.

A- look whatever happens with you and Brady. I'm gonna be here for you and Tricia will do the same for Brady. I have never seen you so happy when your with him. It's like he brings out the best side of you.

P-( smiles) yeah he does.

A- I just want you to be careful. You don't wanna mess up what ever you have with Brady. He's a sweet boy and you deserve each other.

P- thank you mum.( they hug)

A- if you ever wanna talk about it. You know where I am.

Presley nods and head of to bed.

She messages Brady..

P- goodnight Brady, I love you x

B- night Pressley, I love you too x


A love story of Brady and pressleyWhere stories live. Discover now