"Then shut the hell up and take your seat." he started to car and off we went to the Foreground bar. Again, we were granted instant access on the entrance and we went straight to the VIP section of the bar. Mr. Black chose to sit on the farthest side of the mezzanine, his usual throne. I'm starting to think he has dominion on this area because it's always unoccupied when we visit here.

Mr. Black focused his attention to his phone and his eyebrows are furrowed as he types on the screen. For some reason Mr. Black is taking me to his trips more often rather than letting me stay on the office as his proxy.

Hector appears to be late for the meeting and Mr. Black ordered a drink to sip on something while he wait in annoyance. I only accepted his offer to drink when I too got bored of waiting for his friend.

His phone rang and he answered it immediately ,deviating from his usual practice of ignoring it for a while until he decides to answer it.

"Where the fuck are you?" he grumbled but then his expression changed when he realized it's not Mr. Mason who called. I heard a woman's voice on the other line. Mr. Black signaled me to go off somewhere where I can't hear their conversation. I went down the mezzanine and sat on the bar stool near the counter while I watch the people on the dance-floor.

"Are you with someone?" a man asked and sat beside me.

"My boss. He's on the mezzanine." I pointed up.

"In that case can I buy you a drink?"

"No, thank you. I already got one." I showed him the drink that's on my hand right now.

"What's your name?"

"Michael but people call me Mike." and Mr. Black calls me Flynn.

"I'm Ace. Nice to meet you." he raised his hand and I accepted his gesture to shake hands. Somehow a stranger talking to me made me uncomfortable because I don't have a clue why he's starting a conversation with me. I bet he's one of those MLM scammers. One cannot be this nice without a purpose.

"I need to go back. My boss might be looking for me. Nice meeting you too." I politely ended the conversation and was about to return up when he held my arm.

"Wait. Can I have your number?" he asked. I knew it.


"Because, I'd like to take you to dinner if you're interested." Uhm what now? I stared at him. I don't want to assume but...

"Are you asking me on a date?"
"Yes." he replied as he bites his lip.
"Sorry. Not interested."

Even if he's a decent looking man, I'm not really into dating guys or people in general right now.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were gay. Well this is awkward, gotta go, bye." he left but I was pissed off with what he said. Great. Mr. Black is not the only person who thinks I'm gay. But why? Do I have the face or do I give off the aura? I drank the remaining liquid in my glass for an additional confidence because tonight, I'm gonna prove everyone wrong.

I inspected the area for my possible prospect until I finally spotted a woman standing near the dancefloor. This girl is drunk and definitely desperately waiting for someone to approach her. I smiled when I found the perfect target. I made my way toward her in my semi-asshole walk.

"Hey girl, wanna make-out?" I asked directly. No more sugarcoating and beating around the bush. If it's gonna happen then it will happen. The girl looked at me from head to foot. Come on now. I've had my fair share of people who had a crush on me and if I had the money and the luxurious style of Mr. Black, I'll be having my own harem of women right now. Kidding. That's an exaggeration. Women describe me as cute but not hot. That's the problem. Because of my soft features they somehow associate me with being gay.

"Okay." she said. That's my girl. I smiled and took her closer to me before kissing her. I never noticed how long we were exploring each other's lips but I never thought I would enjoy it to the point that we were caressing each other as the kiss gets deeper. 

A loud crash was heard like a glass was broken. Some girls screamed in terror at the sound. Everyone stopped what they're doing for a second to find out what happened before resuming to their business when they saw it was just nothing. It's not nothing to me. I had a feeling it came from the mezzanine and I was right when I saw Mr. Black coming down from the stairs with a heavy foot. He looks pissed. Like really pissed. It must have something to do with the phonecall with his girlfriend.

"Let's go. Hector is not coming." he was really infuriated that he had to drag me out of the bar to the parking lot. I think I just discovered a new level of Mr. Black's anger scale.

"What happened?" 

"Get in." he snarled like a mad dog.

"Are we going somewhere or are we done for the day? Cause you don't need to take me home. I can ride a taxi." he stared at me with ferocious aggressiveness. Somehow Mr. Black turned into some kind of beast for him to behave this feral. I sat on the passenger's seat and I was not prepared on what would follow after.

Mr. Black really stepped up the pedal to the metal because the car is going fast that it can the heavens. There's nothing I could really do except clench on the seatbelt for my dear life in case we crash into something. I looked at Mr. Black who was driving silently driving. His jawline was emphasized from gritting his teeth and his hands are tightly clamped on the steering wheel. I've never seen him this stiff and angry before. The accelerated speed of the car made me remember a scene from the past. The red car. The old breakfast and bed. The accident.

Finally, the car decreased in speed and halted to a stop. We're in front of my apartment building. I took a minute to calm myself down. He's not saying anything, I can only hear his loud breathing . His hands are still tightly bound on the wheel and you can see the outline of his veins from too much pressure.

"Hey. Are you alright?" I placed my hand on his hand to try and loosen his grip because I can see that something is really bothering him. He withdrew his hand while he hissed as if touching him burns.

He stared at me. His lips opened and I expected him to say something but he closed them back.  

"If you're not talking then I hope you will feel better soon. Good night Mr. Black. Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow." I opened the door and went out of the car.

"How many relationships have you had" he asked before I could even close the door. I swung the door back to see him.


"Just answer the damn question!" he screamed and I was stupefied by his sudden outburst. I gulped before answering.

"About three. Why?" 

"Three. Unbelievable." he chuckled sarcastically. Did he drank too much or is he losing his mind? "What would you do if someone doesn't love you back?" 

"I don't really have the credentials to answer that question." I said. He laughed again before making a sneering comment.

"Of course. How can they not love someone like you."

Okay. I'm pissed. Now he's just being an asshole.

"I really think it's not fair that you insult me like that. You are clearly the bigger man here. You're handsome, smart and rich. Everybody will love you because you literally have everything. You are the true definition of perfection. Now stop this sad shit delusion and go home you're just drunk."

"Do you love me?" he said. I seriously don't know how to answer that. "That's what I'm talking about. You're wrong. I am not perfect. People leave me when they can no longer endure me but they choose to stay because of money. I'm lucky you still have the guts to be my secretary. This time, when I was sure that I finally got someone who genuinely loves me, I found out I was wrong. That's what made me angry because I felt like a fool!" he grabbed the handle to my door and closed it himself with a loud thud before driving away.

The Mysterious Mr. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now