Prepare for a long ass ride chapter

Taeyong felt miserable. He really wanted to be the leader and he was gonna be. No matter what.

"Congrats, Jaehyun" Taeyong said to the new leader.

"Thanks. I'm sorry that we had to choose like this. I really don't want our soon to be friendship be ruined by this. I mean everything i said trust me." Jaehyun said with a sad honest voice which made Taeyong feel bad for feeling mad. But it didn't matter. He needs to be the leader.

What he wants, he gets.

2 months later

Taeyong still felt angry for them choosing Jaehyun over him. He was planning how to take Jaehyun's spot for over 2 months already and his plan was finaly finished, he just had to make sure he doesn't mess it up.

Taeyong heard a knock on his door and quickly turned the pages of his diary to an empty one so that no one sees his plan.

"Come in~"

Jaehyun slowly entered his room and plopped on Taeyong's bed feeling devasted. The other boy rolled his eyes "What's wrong?" he asked. "Ugh, my life is what's wrong!" Jaehyun murmured in Tae's pillow

"Why? What happened?" Taeyong turned his chair towards the bed.
"Uuhhhh, i don't know either. I guess it's too hard for me to be a leader..." Taeyong's eyes lit up when he heard those words. "What do you mean 'too hard'?"
"Well, you see, i've been under so much pressure these days that i just wish they chose you as the leader. I'd much rather be in your position right now." He sighed and continued "You see... Everyone wants things to be a certain way but i can't make obey twenty people at the same time. I guess i'm not born to do this. All my plans for this group are ruined and i'm lowkey DEVASTED!" he put his hands in the air like he was giving up. Which wasn't far from the truth.

"I-i... Don't know how to feel honestly" Taeyong scratched the back of his neck. His whole plan went down the drain. "I mean, i'm sorry that you feel like that, but i don't know how to help." he lied, he totaly knew how to help.

"Well, can we like... Change?" Jaehyun questioned "Haechan will be mad as fuck about it but you have to undestand that i can't do this anymore!" he fell on the bed again.

"Hm, i think if we talk with everyone they will undestand and won't have problem with it?" they both nodded and went downstairs.

After a long, long talk they agreed to change leaders. Haechan was angrier than ever and accused Taeyong of forcefully making Jaehyun give him his spot and Jaehyun's attempts to explain were useless.

Haechan and Taeyong's relationship became worst than ever even tho Taeyong was trying everything to make it up to Haechan.

End of flashback

"Oh, woah, are Taeyong and Haechan still like that?" i asked curious of the story.

Kun nodded hesitently "Mm, wellll, not really because that was like... 3 years ago? They slowly got better but there are moments like this one you just saw."

"Ok but then why did Taeyong said that he deserved this?"

"Oh, yeah there is more to the story.
As you may not know Taeil, Yuta and Jeno are in charge of cleaning the house-


7 months after the new leader has been chosen

"Taeil hyung?" Haechan yelled.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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