So We Finally Meet

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Then of course there were the three people that I had spent most of my time with thus far that had brought on strange sensations within me. Even now as they smiled toward me I could feel that warm sensation and twitch which I had come to like. I couldn't help but give a large smile towards them which made them smile even more, while the other men seemed to become more depressed for some reason and the women had a look of infatuation on their faces. Naturally I had no idea the power a otherworldly handsome smile had so I ignored it.

"Well then I'll be the first to greet since everyone is simply staring, good afternoon everyone." I said with a slight laugh which made the women sigh enamoredly and made the guys look they wanted to puke blood for some reason.

Sirzecks seemed to somewhat regain most of his composure as he gave me a stiff smile.

"Hello once again Kami, didn't think that you would also be coming here to my sister's club room today, I'm glad I got here before you did or there would have been quite a few problems if I didn't..." Sirzecks then gave a stiff laugh as he scratched his head which made me tilt my head slightly in confusion, I had no idea what he meant til Helvynia suddenly spoke up as she and Halona walked over with Asia in tow.

"The cocky bird boy wanted to get acquainted and eventually get under our clothes, well that was before he found out who we are, but I still told him that his little chicken of a manhood wouldn't get to even remotely make Halona reach an orgasm within a few hours much less myself. " She kinda explained I guess, but I didn't feel angry toward him though. In fact I kinda pitied him to get that sort of evaluation from her, but I guess that's what to expect from the Queen of Succubus' I suppose.

"Ah, I see..... But isn't saying that Halona would barely reach an orgasm in an entire a bit much? Even you end up reaching it within an hour." I brazenly said as I forget the pure little church girl that was my daughter was actually right by me who had such an embarrassed look on her face that she put her hands over her flushed face just listening to this. I knew it was too late to take back what I said and I felt kinda guilty about it, but seeing as she didn't really complain about it and was instead listening, I took it as a sign that she's fine with it but still felt embarrassed by listening to it.

"F-fufu what you say is indeed true darling, but do not forget that yo were the one to go at it till my mind went numb. I've been marked as yours only so I would be more sensitive compared to before toward you than I would to another man, you being so big also plays a key factor. "Helvynia shamelessly said these things after she recovered from his stiff laugh, while Halona nodded along with what she said. They both had first hand experience with demon down under and had both a slight fear and exhilaration toward it, feared how it stripped them from their sense of self, leaving them a mess on the bed and the exhilaration came from being sent into such a state. This was especially so for Helvynia as she was the more demanding one of the two when it came to performance and Kami had thoroughly polished in just a week along which scared her a bit but felt even more excited by the possibility of it becoming even more great than it already was.

"..... But you're the one that kept begging to go that far... I mean it took a week to reach that state for us both but you're the one that kept him going at for so long.... Now it's addictive..." Halona somewhat complained but also bragged a bit as she said this and even admitted to it being addictive.

"....... You're the one that has been doing it for an entire week, don't make me look like the addict here when I've only started halfway. " And then Helvynia retorted as they started bickering about it. What about me you ask? I learned it was best to keep quiet about this or I would be dragged into it as well, I held Asia's ears closed she looked up at me with an embarrassed whereas I just smiled down at her making her more embarrassed.

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