Chapter 5 - So Much Pain

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"Looks like Royce has finally decided to join us," Korbin's rich deep voice glides over to me making me turn my attention to the four monsters. They take their focus off of me temporarily and turn towards this Royce fellow as he is making his way towards them. I barely blink and he is there, standing in between Claude and Renell.

What the actual fuck just happened. How did he move so fast? Oh my goodness, what is happening!!! I can't stop my thoughts as I try in ernest to figure out what is going on right in front of me. Seeing as the five men are too busy whispering to one another I take it as my queue to slowly step away. One step at a time. You can do it Arabella, just put one foot behind the next and slowly make your way to the castle. Don't turn, keep your eyes on them. I hold my breath as I take step after step, keeping my gaze on the five in front of me. They don't seem to notice that I am slowly slipping away until my foot lands on a twig and snaps it in half. Pausing I hold my breath hoping they didn't hear the treacherous twig, but as soon as I see five sets of eyes swing towards me I know I have been caught.

"What a naughtly little lamb, trying to leave when we were having a nice conversation," Renell smirks as if seeing me try to flee was amusing to him.

"I'll just be I said, I am meeting some friends and you all seem to be busy. Thank you for your concern... and time," I struggle to get the words out of my mouth as I glance up and fully see Royce. He is beautiful...too bad he is a murderous fiend. He is slightly taller than Korbin and Renell, he has a broad muscular frame - strong arms and bold thighs. Hair the color of golden honey that has been put to a flame for just a touch, high cheekbones, full kissable lips, and a prominent jaw line. What catches my breath, is the color of his eyes, a shade of violet with silver and gold dancing throughout like fireflies dancing in the night. I have never seen a color like this before and they are simply breathtaking.

"No need to run off in such a hurry, I was just catching my companions up on some interesting news. Come, tell me how we can help you. I am sure we can be of some assistance. You look like you could use some help," Royce's voice was low and smokey, drawing me in like a moth to a flame.

"I am fine, thank you for your concern. As I mentioned to your companions, I am meeting some friends at the castle. I must be on my way. I am sure they are worried I have taken so long." I straighten my back and try with all my might to walk away without looking like I am going to crumble at any minute, because I am. Mustn't show any weakness Arabella - they can smell it, I just know it.

"Tisk tisk little lamb, and we were having such a nice conversation," Renell began to hum, "I think it's time for you to quit playing games and come along now, hmm."

"Come to me, my beauty", Claude's voice clokes around me and made my steps fallter once more.

My leg jerks as it is moving on its own accord but my mind is forcing it to continue towards the castle grounds. The movements are exhausting, causing me to sweat and grow light headed.

"My, isn't this an interesting site, I didn't believe it when you said it earlier but now that I have seen it," Royce slowly draws out, " I don't know what to make of it, as I have never seen a human withstand your compulsion Claude."

"My beautiful pet you are a conundrum aren't you, come...come closer so I may take a better look at you," Royce's velvety words draw me in and I cannot help myself as I slowly begin to walk towards him.

My steps are slow and sluggish as I am warring with myself with every step I take and after the fifth step I shake my head, "No, I will not go any farther. You cannot make me come to you", with tears streaming down my face, my head is pounding but I have finally begun to slow my movements. It has taken everything I have in me to stop.

A slight breeze comes from the direction of the castle grounds and swirls around me, lifting my hair in a slow dance before drifting towards the five men. Claude inhales sharply, eyes going instantly red as his fangs descend. His deep snarl is loud and before I know it he is lunging towards me - all four of his companions rush to grab him so he does not fling himself to me.

"Claude, what on earth are you doing," Korbin snaps. "Control yourself man!"

"Do you not smell that? Her blood is so sweet and intoxicating it is like...its calling to me...just...a little taste. Come to me my beauty...I..." before he can finish his thought a long deep howl comes from the forest line to the west, near the castle.

Fear like I had never felt before, my eyes feel like they are bulging out of their sockets. My blood is calling to him?? WTF? No, no NO this cannot be happening.

"Close your eyes Claude calm yourself. You are frightening the little lamb. Do you really want to do that? Hmmm, there is no way she will come to you if you frighten her?" Renell is trying to use some sense to calm the monster down but it is no use, he looks at me like I am the most delicious meal he has ever seen.

Taste me oh hell no - no one is going to be tasting me. Oh my god these are vampires!! I am definitely not in Kansas anymore, hell I am not on the same planet anymore if there are giant wolves and vampires running around. I definitely hit my head harder than I thought, this must be a dream a terrible terrible dream and I just have to wake up. Wake up Arabella, wake the fuck up before this demon man tries to suck you dry!

"She can withstand our compulsion and her blood calls to me - that doesn't strike you as odd?? She is different and the only one way to find out why is to taste her blood. I MUST taste her blood!" Claude is practically jumping out of his friends arms trying to get to me. Each one of them are holding on to him as if their lives depended on it. You can see the strain as their jugular veins bulge as they are trying to hold him back from attacking me.

I turn with all my might and try to escape the five vampires in front of me. No one is going to be tasting any part of me tonight!

"STOP! Come to me my beauty, come to me...I will not harm you", Claude's magnetic voice calls to me and all at once I am drawn to him, yet again. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! My body betrays me with once again and I jerk back to what I know will be my death.

A slight chortling sound comes from Gaspard who is right behind him, Claude turns sharply and backhands him, which sends Gaspard flying a good 20 feet towards the darkened forest.

Claude turns around, putting a fake smile upon his face, his eyes have gone back to their mediterianian blue but I know the monster still lurks deep down within. "I promise no harm will come to you while I am around."

"Run, you must run" a soft voice flows through my head and I look around trying to determine who just said that.

"What" I barely croke out.

"COME TO ME!" Claude crys forth, "YOU WILL COME TO ME!" Korbin, Renall and Royce have once again grabbed ahold of Claude to prevent him from attacking me. Gaspard arrives within a blink and grabs ahold of him as well.

"Run, run, you must run. He will not be contained much longer," the soft smooth voice begs me through my head. I snap my head up and look around, confusion laced across my face. What the fuck is this now?

Slowly my feet make their way to Claude while tears stream down my face as I try with all my heart to stop walking to my death. Someone or something is begging me to save myself, but I cannot free myself from Claud's grasp. I stagger backwards holding onto my head as the pounding increases and I begin to slowly fall to my knees. My head feels like it is tearing into half and I hear a blood curdling scream off in the distance - the sound one would make if they were being pulled apart piece by piece and then I realize the scream is coming from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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