Chapter 2 - I'm Not in Kansas Anymore

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Quickly I close my eyes again. I think I must have hit my head harder than I thought as the glowing eyes of my dreams are staring at me. Focusing on my breathing and not on the ache coming from my head I try to compose myself when I feel a warm tongue lick my bloodied wound. My eyes snap open and I try my best to not scurry backward and away from the large snow white wolf sitting before me.

"Still, my Beautiful Moon, you have badly injured yourself. I must clean and heal you before you attempt to move further," a beautiful flowy voice resonates in my head.

"I think I hit my head harder than I thought...there is no such things as talking wolves," I whisper while shaking my head.

"Calm yourself, my Beautiful Moon, all will be explained." The beautiful voice whispers.

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and try to focus on what seems to be my new reality while fighting the urge to jump and run as quickly as I can. The white wolf's warm tongue begins to lick my head wound and the pain slowly fades away. With a nudge of her warm wet nose to my cheek I look up once again to face her honey eyes.

"There now, my Beautiful Moon, your wound is healing quickly. The pain will be nothing but a memory soon." The voice in my head is so familiar, so comforting, I start to reach out my hand as the need to run my fingers through her fur begins to overwhelm me.

A rustling in the trees to my right catches my attention, my hand stops midair, and I slowly turn to see two large obsidian black wolves emerge from the darkened forest. They slowly walk towards my direction, with each step their deep black coats seem to shine with the brightness of a thousand stars as they take their place behind the majestic white wolf. The wolf to her right has black eyes as dark as a moonless night while the wolf to her left has golden eyes that shine like the rays of the burning sun. My eyes grow wide with fear as I notice they are a good hand taller than the large white wolf sitting before me. Quickly, I draw my hand to my chest and suck in a breath.

"Do not fear us, child of the moon, we mean you no harm." A rough, deep voice flows in my mind. Scrunching my nose, confusion was written all over my face, I turn towards the wolf on the right and although his eyes are as dark as the abyss they show no signs of danger. My gaze shifts to the wolf on the left, his eyes shine with a warmth that instantly sets me at ease.

I turn towards the white wolf and notice that she has somehow moved closer to me without drawing my attention. Again, the urge to run my fingers through her lustrous white coat takes hold as I begin to reach out. Without hesitation, the white wolf closes the distance between us and my hand glides over the softest fur I have ever felt.

"Your fur feels like silk soft," I whisper in awe. Wanting to get as close as I can, I move to sit on my knees and begin to run both hands over the sides of her head by her ears. No longer worrying about the distance between us I beckon her closer with my hands.

"You have been gone too long, my Beautiful Moon," she sighs as she nuzzles my face.

I close my eyes and breathe deep, "You smell of the forest...the night...the moon," I say softly as I bring my nose to her fur.

"You smell so familiar...," I barely get the words out when the wind picks up and the air gets colder. I start shivering as the temperature drops rapidly and look towards the sky as it appears to grow darker.

A menacing howl can be heard from somewhere deep within the forest towards the east of the clearing we are in. I snap my head towards the sound and see an ominous fog begin to thread through the thick trees.

"I feel like I have been here before," I say softly as a familiar sense of dread sizes me.

"No..." the white wolf states in a frightened hushed tone, "quickly, we must move!"

I jerk my gaze to her, "What...move?" I stutter.

The howling is getting louder and the menacing fog is quickly coming closer.

"Hurry...child...we must get you to the castle grounds before they reach us," A smooth bass voice grabs my attention.

"Castle? What's going on?" I manage to squeak out as I get to my shaky feet.

The white wolf is standing next to me, her head level to my waist but turned towards the east, her hackles are raised and she begins to let off a deep growl.

Her two companions have flanked us, closer to the tree line, standing as a barrier between the oncoming fog and us. Their heads moving side to side as they sniff the air assessing the danger around us.

"We don't have much time, they will be upon us before long." The wolf with the obsidian black eyes turns to the white wolf, "Quickly my heart, we must leave the sanctuary of the trees, as it is no longer safe, and head for the castle before all is lost."

The white wolf nudges my stomach, forcing me to take a few steps back, "Come, my Beautiful Moon, we must make haste."

She quickly passes me and runs towards a small opening between two exceptionally tall magnolia trees. Instantly disappearing under the blanket of white flower blossoms that seem to be falling from the sky.

With an urgent yelp from the white wolf, I turn from the sinister fog and rapidly follow her steps. The air is getting colder and the howling is getting closer. With a quick peek over my shoulder I notice the two black wolves have also begun following - still keeping themselves between the fog and us.

Frantically we run through the forest, tree branches and shrubs scratching my face and arms as I continue to follow the white wolf as she weaves in and out of the trees. I do not dare to stop as the fog is nearly upon us. We run, for what feels like forever and I don't know how much farther I can go. My legs are beginning to burn but I push myself through the pain, panic over the fog and merciless howling won't let me matter how far we have to run.

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