Chapter 2

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I jumped and looked around, trying to figure out what had woken me. I was a light sleeper to say the least. There was nothing around me that indicated any noise had been made. I did realize, though, that I was still wearing the yoga pants and tank top that I had worn earlier that day. My shoes were still on my feet too, but I didn't bother taking them off. 

        Instead, I felt like running. It was like a burning sensation inside me, telling me to get up and run. Keep running and never look back, but where would I go? I'll just run around the perimeter a few times until I get tired again, I decided. 

        I got up and threw my thick hair in a ponytail then quietly snuck outside. Once my feet hit the soft ground, I took off. I sprinted through the forest, pushing my legs at full speed. I didn't know where this need or desire was coming from but it was definitely there.

         I pushed myself and kept pushing until I got to the far east corner of the perimeter. That's when I stopped. I looked into the bushes, trying to pinpoint the unfamiliar scent. It wasn't from our pack, and it wasn't a werewolf, but it was still… wolfy? 

        It was a strange smell and I needed to figure it out. I just hoped the saying that "Curiosity killed the cat" didn't apply to werewolves. I walked slowly forward but saw nothing. I let my gaze travel up and that's when I saw it. 

       I involuntarily screamed, but it wasn't as loud as it was in the horror movies. A massive paw-like hand cupped over my mouth, causing me to stop and when it moved back again, I stood frozen in place. The icy, almost white looking, blue eyes stared back at me. I didn't know what it was, but this thing was huge. Even bigger than the werewolf, though that's what he looked like. He took a small step forward and I immediately shifted. 

        I bared my fangs and growled a warning to the stranger to stay back. "You are trespassing on my packs territory," I snarled in the low, guttural voice of my wolf. 

        He sneered back at me. "You don't scare me, Omega." His voice was even more menacing then mine, but I felt something strange in my chest to hear him call me that, even if that's what I was. I wanted to whimper and slink down to the ground, but a sudden courage overwhelmed me and I found myself standing taller, looking him in the eye, despite the power that I felt emanating from him.

         "That may be what I am, but I think it no less to mean that I have the grounds to tear your throat out right now. I've warned you. Now leave," I commanded. 

         Something flickered in his strange eyes, that looked like amusement and maybe even a little respect, but also resentment, which I was used to seeing on a daily basis. 

         "As you wish Omega. I will leave now, but I'll be back. I look forward to seeing you again," he said formally. With that, the large creature turned and stalked away through the night. As he walked through a shaft of moonlight, that's when I noticed that the wolfish creature was walking on its hind legs, like a human. 

         Just then, I heard pounding footsteps running towards me. I turned and saw Gage, Aaliyah, and Jeremy running towards me. They slowed down when they approached and they all looked at me in amazement. 

         They stopped and Jeremy nodded to Aaliyah and she walked forward, crouching close to the ground. Then, Jeremy turned to me. "We saw the way you handled him. I am happy to say that I am proud. He could have easily taken you down, yet you stood your ground," he praised.

         I looked down and shuffled my paws, a little embarrassed. I liked the appraisal, I just didn't know what to do with it. "Thank you, Beta Jeremy," I said quietly. He nodded once then ran after Aaliyah, leaving me alone with Gage.

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