The bell rang for everyone to go and recharge their energies with lunch. Yuri quickly grabbed the two lunch boxes and waited for her girlfriend to come pick her, since they had agreed on coming to each others classrooms taking turns every day, and it was Natsuki's turn to come. Yuri was waiting patiently when she felt another tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw her newest clubmate still sitting with 3 other familiar girls standing next to her. "Don't be scared, we're not gonna bite you, girls your turn", Erika said glancing at her friends who sighed almost at unison. "Long story short, we're sorry", the redhead leader said looking away. "Yeah we are", "yep, sorry", the blondie and curly haired girl said. "Ummm, i-it is okay, I do not hold a-any grudge against you", Yuri replied with a gentle smile. "Well, I guess I do feel better now, you really are a good person", Mika said playing her side ponytail. "Yeah, even then you could've got back at us but you didn't, if it were me, I would've dyed our asses with that red paint", the blondie with still a ridiculously short skirt said. "I agree with Riho", Miharu said. "You should thank Erika though, she convinced us to swallow our pride to tell you this, ain't she sweet?", the redhead leader said grinning and pinching her twintailed comrade's cheek. Yuri smiled at the black haired girl whose cheeks turned pink red like.

Natsukis wide smile faded as she approached her lovers classroom and noticed four unpleasant figures around her girl. She rushed into the classroom and pushed Riho aside who was standing next to her girlfriends seat. The four girls turned their attention to the hot headed girl that had fire in her magenta eyes. "Have you assholes not learned your lesson?!", the pink haired girl shouted as some eyes nearby turned to watch the scene. "Woah, easy there! We're not-", Mika tried to speak but was interrupted. "Shut your trap bitch! I'm not letting you get away with this!", Natsuki shouted. "N-Natsuki! I-It is okay, they are not d-doing anything bad to me, they were just apologising", Yuri said trying to calm down her angry girlfriend. "Yeah, and good timing you're here, we wanna apologise to you too", Mika said. "Yeah, we're sorry, honestly we learned not to mess with you", Miharu said. "I'm not even gonna say anything about you pushing me see? We're sorry!", Riho said fixing her blazer. Natsuki finally calmed down and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, fine if you're being honest then I guess I can forgive you, but remember if you ever try something against us I'm gonna kick your asses so hard you're gonna have to sit down on your crotches", Natsuki said feisty. The 4 girls, not including Erika who was bluntly looking at her chuckled. "Alright, alright, so everything good now?", Riho asked. "Y-Yes, I believe so", Yuri said with a gentle smile. "And thank you Erika", Yuri said smiling at the twintailed girl who blushed lightly. "Ye, ye, whatever, let's go Yuri, I'm hungry", Natsuki said offering a small hand to her lover who took it and stood up holding it gently as she waved bye to the group of 4. Natsuki flashed a triumphant grin at her quickly while she exited the classroom. "You have it tough girl", Mika said putting a hand on her black haired friends shoulder. Erika sighed, "Yeah, but I won't go down so easily, I got her number this morning". Riho and Miharu's grin widened as they spoke almost sincronised, "nice".

The day went by normal since then, lunch, club and the time at Yuri's house happened all as previous days. Night fell and Yuri was at her door talking to her petite girlfriend while their hands were still intertwined, "So are you staying over tomorrow again, right?", Yuri asked rubbing her girlfriends cheek gently with her free hand. "Of course, it's the weekend and you know I prefer spending it with you than with my dumb father", Natsuki grinned sweetly at her taller girlfriend. "Thank you for spending so much time with me, you are the best", Yuri said looking at her girlfriend with sparkly violet eyes. "I know I'm the best cheesy giant", Natsuki replied closing her eyes in a smug expression. Yuri giggled and kissed her little nose softly which made Natsuki's smug face go deep red. "You're a dork!", Natsuki replied embarrassed, "but I am your dork", Yuri said smiling sweetly. "Of course you'd say that", the pink haired girl sighed and stood on her toes to kiss her taller lover sweetly. Yuri kissed back and as their lips pulled away from each others they let go of their hands too. "So, I'll see you tomorrow then dummy", Natsuki smiled sweetly at her girlfriend. "Yes, please be careful, I love you my sweetheart", Yuri replied making Natsuki's face flushed at the nickname. "I-I'll go now before you turn into a walking cheese, bye", Natsuki replied and started to walk away. As the shorter girl was about to cross the entrance gate Yuri rushed after her and wrapped her arms around her from behind planting a long smooch on her cheek. Natsuki almost elbowed her stomach from the surprise but then relaxed and let her girlfriend do as she pleased. Yuri let her go and quickly walked back to her front door smiling like and idiot. "Walking cheese!", Natsuki shouted as she crossed the gate and kept walking away. Yuri just smiled warmly and watched her lover go as usual.

Yuri went upstairs and laid on her bed sighing for another nice day that was coming to an end. She grabbed her phone and quickly opened her girlfriends chat to send her the usual "I miss you" message, which she really meant everytime. Yuri did just that and before locking her phone again to go write her poem for tomorrow while she waited for Natsuki to get home and reply, she noticed she had a message request from an unknown number. She opened it and it read:

Nevermore: Hi! It's Erika 😋
Markov's demoiselle: Hello, Erika. How are you?
Nevermore: doing great thanks, how about you?
Markov's demoiselle: I am also doing very well, thank you.
Nevermore: I hope you haven't forgotten about the book 🤗
Markov's demoiselle: Of course not, I will bring it to school tomorrow as I told you.
Nevermore: Thank you~ So what are you up to?
Markov's demoiselle: I was about to write the poem for tomorrow, what about you?
Nevermore: Oh shut the poem! Well I was just checking social media really but thanks for the reminder 😅
Markov's demoiselle: Hehe, no problem.
Nevermore: What else do you like to do besides reading?
Markov's demoiselle: Umm, not much really, I like to write, watch horror stuff, also try different kinds of tea...
Nevermore: Heh, you're quite different from the rest, I like that. People always say stuff like "listening to music", "watching movies", "playing videogames", you know the usual, I think is cool you're unique 😊
Markov's demoiselle: umm, thank you? Sorry, not many people say that about me.
Nevermore: well, their loss, or they just don't like when someone is better than them.
Markov's demoiselle: I do not think I am better than anyone.
Nevermore: you are tho 🙊

The shy bookworm found herself even more confused now at the things the girl that apparently hated her a few days ago was saying now. She was having trouble thinking of what to say or how to reply but fortunately for her the notification of a reply to one of her messages popped up.

Purple dummy: I miss you
Lovely cupcake: you know what, im just going to play along now, I can't stop you from typing stuff 5 seconds after I leave, so I miss you too dummy
Purple dummy: I looooove you!
Lovely cupcake: woah there i love you too but you're too cheesy today
Purple dummy: I am sorry then.
Lovely cupcake: no sorries here missy
Purple dummy: I apologise then.
Lovely cupcake: goddammit Yuri
Purple dummy: Hehehe ♥️
Lovely cupcake: fine I forgive you just because you're pretty
Purple dummy: ♥️♥️♥️
Lovely cupcake: (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
Purple dummy: Do you think I am cool for being different?
Lovely cupcake: why the sudden question?
Purple dummy: I am sorry, forget about it.
Lovely cupcake: no
Lovely cupcake: and yes you're cool for being different, that's one of the things I like about you dummy
Purple dummy: Thank you.
Lovely cupcake: is something wrong babe? Sorry if i upset you i just was like distracted
Purple dummy: No, no, no. I am not upset, lovely, I promise. I guess I just got curious.
Lovely cupcake: hmmm ತ_ತ okay, I'll just make sure to make it up to you tomorrow in any case
Purple dummy: How?
Lovely cupcake: loving you baby🎶
Purple dummy: You are awesome ❤️
Lovely cupcake: no u
Purple dummy: No, you. ❤️
Lovely cupcake: we both are, case closed inspector apology.
Purple dummy: I love you.
Lovely cupcake: love you too dummy

They continued for a while until they went to bed. Yuri forgot about her other chat window, which she realized the following morning after sending her usual good morning text to her girlfriend.

Nevermore: you are tho 🙊
Nevermore: what kind of stuff do you write?
Nevermore: night night
Markov's demoiselle: I am so sorry, I fell asleep.
Nevermore: its okay, don't sweat the small stuff!
Markov's demoiselle: Thank you. I will see you later, I have the book in my bag ready.
Nevermore: alrighty~ thanks 😊

The shy girl as much as she had on her mind, she shrugged it off since the final day of the week was here and that meant an uninterrupted weekend with her beloved girlfriend.

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