"So rather than trust me and tell me what was happening, he-he lies to me and..." She tried her best to keep her angry face, but it soon dissolved into tears of hurt and she fell back into a fetal position and started sobbing again.

I rubbed her back lightly. "It's okay, Jas. Let it out. Hey, at least your man is talking to you enough to lie to you...Mine hasn't said two sentences to just me since he's been back!" I tried to make a light joke, but it didn't do any good. She just kept crying and I kept comforting her.

That is, until we heard the tale-tell voice at the window. "Come on, princess! Don't waste your tears on him!"

"You!" Jasmine exclaimed, getting up from the bed. "You get out of here!" She ran over and shut the curtains on him. "Hey, hey!" he protested, "Don't take it out on me! He's the creep. I never should have saved his life." Iago took great care to enunciate the last three words of that sentence carefully.

By this time, I had stood up and taken a place out of the way; standing on the left side of the vanity. Jasmine turned back curiously to the window and cocked her head slightly. "Saved his life?" she asked. "Yeah, he owed me one." Iago continued, flying out from behind the curtains, taking the head of Jasmine's bed for his own, "That's why he stood up from me."

"But he didn't have to lie to me." Jasmine huffed, coming to sit in the vanity chair. "You are sooo right." Iago stated, sounding very manipulative to my trained ears. Then I heard the music.

'Oh, yay! Another song!' I thought happily.

Iago started singing to Jasmine.

"Forget about that guy! Forget about the way you fell into his eyes."

He got to the edge of the bed and pretended to fall forward. Jasmine turned her back to him, not wanting to hear what he had to say. Iago was not one to be ignored and he got in front of her and showed her a picture she had of Aladdin.

"Forget about his charms. Forget about the way he held you in his arms."

Jasmine looked at it for a minute, but then slammed it down on the vanity table and slumped in her seat, pulling a pillow up to grip it. Iago just continued singing.

"Walking on air's obnoxious!"

Jasmine had enough and she stood and started swinging the pillow at Iago, which he dodged every time.

"The thrill
the chill,
will make you nauseous.
And you'll never get enough!
Just forget about love!"

She saw her opportunity when he landed and she hit him square in the back, sending him out the balcony door. But did that stop him from singing? Of course not!

"Forget about romance. Forget about the way your heart begins to dance."

I got a tingly feeling at the back of my neck and turned just in time to see Genie knock over the vase beside me with magic. I took a few steps back, covering him from Jasmine's view as she caught the vase and took a smell of the flower. Genie gave me the 'shush' sign and magic'ed the mirror to show Aladdin's face, calling out 'Jasmine'.

My jaw dropped a little in fake surprise. Genie shot me a sly grin and poofed away. Just then Iago, still singing, flew in and took the flower out of Jasmine's hand. Jasmine and I both chased him out on the balcony.

A Gypsy Wish (Genie X Male OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora