Day. | 12.

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Write About 5 Blessings in Your Life.

Blessing 1. My fur babies; AKA my dogs.
Madigan and Carey are quite possibly the greatest loves of my life. I absolutely adore those two and every single day without fail either or both of them do something that makes me so happy. Madigan taught me greater responsibility and patience while Carey taught me immense patience and joy. They are the bright lights of my life and I thank the universe for them and their very big personalities that were packed into such small bodies.

Blessing 2. As much as it pains me sometimes, my siblings are my best and worst allies. There are many times when I feel like I've given them more than I will ever get back in this lifetime. Like loyalty, a listening ear, or a defender but then one of them will do something so surprising for me that I'm stunned for a moment and all we be fine between us.

Blessing 3. Health. And not only my health but the health of my mother. This year could've turned on it's head two months ago when we believed my mom might have had cancer. But she was one of the lucky ones, no cancer just an unusual autoimmune disease that could possibly become cancerous.

Blessing 4. My grandparents and great grandparents. My Honey Papa, Tutu, Papa Andrew and Papa Jim who taught me what it is to mourn for someone whom you knew and loved. To bear witness to the mourning and even feel it for myself. I grew up knowing these people but lost touch when we became an ocean apart. I heard countless stories of how my Tutu was an island Queen with everyone wrapped around her finger, of how Papa Andrew had a knack for holistic medicine and a deeper understanding of life, of Honey Papa who had saved lives on a burning ship, and of Papa Jim, who had that unfortunate but hilarious run in with food poisoning that one winter so long ago. But these stories never end and the memories will and still go on. To this day dozens more stories of these generations pop up around the dinner table or on quick trips to the grocery store when nostalgia hits. It's beautifully maudlin but c'est la vie, right?

Blessing 5. To my friends. Who've have been there through thick and thin. To M, Z and N who've been troopers with my ups and downs and complete nonsense. You all deserve the best in all things because without all of you, I'd be nothing more than a whisper or blank page. I love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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