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Five Ways to Win Your Heart?

1. Be there. Be there when I can't be strong enough to keep my emotions in check. Be there when I need to talk about nothing and everything. Be there when I don't think I need you but secretly do. Just be there without reservation or judgements.

2. Don't let me win every argument. Tell me when I'm being unreasonable, tell me when I'm wrong even when I insist that I am right. Fight with me when I stand my ground but never leave an issue unresolved. Never walk away from an argument even when we've both had enough of each other, stay and work it out. Even if you can't stand me.

3. Never lie to me. I will always know when you hold the truth from me and it will hurt me far more than the lie itself. Don't hurt me if you can help it. Don't inflict intentional pain if you can prevent it.

4. Partake in the little things. Watch the thunderstorms with me, stand out on the porch and breathe in deep when it's pouring rain. Gaze up at the night sky in the summer and walk with me in crisp autumn evenings. Share the long silences and dance with me when we're alone. Eat straight from the ice cream carton, pick a movie we haven't seen but let me make quips throughout the film. Try new things with me but always return to what we know and love.

5. Give me something or nothing at all. I don't want all you have to give, but I'd like enough just for me to know you the way no one else does. I want to hear your favorite stories, I want to read your favorite books and listen to your music, even if I absolutely abhor it. I want to know what scares you or what keeps you awake in the middle of the night. I want to soothe your fears and laugh at your terrible jokes. I want to fight with you but admit we were wrong and I want you to know that I wouldn't let everything you do for me go unnoticed. In return, I will give you back all that you have given me and more.

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