Overlord's Awakening

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The Overlord's Awakening

Oma Zi-O: How weak. You fools don't have the chance to defeat me. Do you know why? Well, the answer is simple. I was destined to be a king since I was born. I was destined to rule over everything! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Then, bye-bye.

Unknown: Tsukuyomi!


Sougo's P.O.V

I'll never forget. What happened on 26th of August, 2018. I saw the Earth clashed with another earth. The scenery felt saw unreal that it was as if I was dreaming. For some reason, people that should be dead are alive. For example, the prime minister. The Sky Wall that split the country was gone as well.

Junichiro: Sougo! Wake up! You'll be late to school!

Sougo: Got it.......!

I got clothed and went downstairs. After I ate breakfast, uncle gave me my lunch and I went to the door.

Sougo: I'm going now, Uncle.

Junichiro: Have a safe trip!

I started walking to school. I already asked everyone about what happened last year but none of them seem to remember.

After school.....

I started walking home. Then, a guy from the karate club approached me.

Karate guy: Hey, Tokiwa. I heard about your career placement counseling. You seriously said that you wanted to become king? Are you an idiot? Even kids wouldn't be that idiotic. Grow up, man. You've saying that non-stop and always ramble about your beloved "Kamen Riders".

Sougo: Hmpf, this is why I don't like small-minded people like you.

Karate guy: What?!

Sougo: Let me offer you a quote from Souji Tendou, Kamen Rider Kabuto that will tell you all about me. "I'm a man who walks the path of heaven to rule over everything". Meaning, I strive for excellence in everything. Now do you get it?

Karate guy: What?! You narcissis-

Then he smirked.

Karate guy: Looks like I gotta properly wake you up.

He grabbed my arms and tried to do a takedown on me but I got him took down instead.

Sougo: Not a bad technique but very easy to counter.

Karate guy: Very easy to counter? Dude, that's impressive! Why not just join the karate club?!

Sougo: I refuse. Now then, I must leave. Hopefully, we'll meet again, retainer.

Karate guy: Bastard! Who's your retainer?!

Karate guy #2: He seemed very talented in karate but.... His personality is off-putting.

Karate guy: Yeah. Last month, he was rambling about two earths combining and that "Kamen Rider Build" did it all.

Karate guy #2: What a weirdo.

Ever since that incident, nobody knows what Kamen Riders are. I continued walking and now I'm on a bridge. The whole "earth emerging" thing is not the only weird thing that happened to me. A lot of weird things happened but the first one that happened to me was when I was a kid. A lady gave me a prophecy and this pocket watch-looking thing. I took out the "pocket watch". I should just throw this thing away and forget about this whole thing.

Unknown: Greetings, WAGA MAO.

Sougo: Overlord? Me?

Unknown: That's right. Today will be a glorious day for you. It will be the birth of a new you. That Ridewatch will lead you to your destiny. I advise you keep it. Now then, farewell. Oh, I almost forgot. Beware of a woman in white clothing and a man in a black jacket with red stripes.

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