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- Ashton -

I sat on my floor, looking at the little lowercase letters that were marked carefully across my wrist. 

'don't do it.'

Those three words looked quite sad surrounded by scars. Scars that are just as forced as the tattoo. It's supposed to help you in life. It's supposed to give you something to look forward to. But how does it help those people who look down at their wrist and just see the 'X' that symbolizes their lack of love? How is it comforting to look at your own skin and just be reminded of how alone you are?

"Ashton, come on." Michael said, knocking on my bedroom door. Michael was my neighbour, but also my best friend. He's my only friend, actually. I hate the other people in my town because I feel like I'm talking to a goldfish and not a human. The only time I associated with anyone besides Michael was when I ordered pizza or something.

"Give me a minute." I shouted back. I pulled my sleeves down and grabbed a pair of black Vans. Michael and I became friends when he saw me about to jump from my window, which was at the seventeenth floor of our apartment complex. Michael was right above me, which was the top floor. He yelled at me that it wasn't worth it and I sighed and listened to him. 

Michael had already found his soul mate. His wrist said 'sorry' while hers said 'oh, fuck.' They met when she bumped into him and he spilled coffee all over himself. He let the f-bomb slip and she apologized. Poor girl had that word tattooed on her wrist. Imagine when she was a kid and she asked her parents what that word meant. They probably raised her in a church due to that.

"You take longer than Miles to get ready." Michael said, rolling his eyes and shutting his door. Miles was his girlfriend. She'd been called Miles ever since primary school. Her real name was Matilda. I thought that name was quite unique, but I guess she thought otherwise. Her birth certificate might as well say Miles because no one refers to her as her real name.

"You seem to want me to shove your own dick down your throat." I replied, slinging my bag around my shoulder. I hadn't slept well and I just wanted this day to be over. I had to get to work and so did Michael. He worked at a Hot Topic in a mall that was across from where I worked, which was Barnes & Noble. I got off an hour earlier than Michael, so I normally just walked across the street to the mall and hung out there with him during his shift. 

Both of us had the look for that store. Michael has an eyebrow piercing, dyed hair, and a couple of tattoos. I have snake bites and a nose piercing. I didn't have any tattoos besides the one I was born with. 

"Alright. See ya in a couple of hours." Michael said when he dropped me off at Barnes & Noble. I walked inside and said hello to Calum who worked at the built-in Starbucks. That was part of my everyday routine. The rest of it consisted of sitting behind the counter and reading a book. We were allowed to put one under the counter and then get it out and read it throughout the day. We never have to pay for it either since it never leaves the store. Kind of an upside to my shitty life.

Eventually my shift was over and I made my way across the street to the mall. Michael was telling me about some dude that applied for a job recently and about how cool this guy was. Maybe he got hired and I'd get to meet him. 

When I arrived in Hot Topic, Michael was helping a girl find an Attack on Titan shirt. I went behind the register and sat my bag down. The manager and the rest of the employees loved me, so I had no problem.

"Hey, Ash." Angie, a girl with blue hair who worked here, greeted. I waved to her, noticing her new tattoo. I pointed to the spot on my neck where her tattoo was.

"Oh, my brother got a quote and I got the quotation marks." She explained. It looked quite cute. It's not something I'd do with my sibling, but then again, I don't have close relationships with mine.

"I like it." I complimented. She smiled and went to go help out a guy who wanted to know where to find the CD's. I checked out a few people while I waited for Michael to come back to the register. 

"Sorry. We're really busy. I hope they choose to hire that guy." Michael said when he finally arrived. I didn't have any problem working the register. It was actually quite fun for me if I'm being honest.

"You can do whatever you need to do. I'll work the register." I said. Michael looked relieved with my offer.

"Okay. I need to go organize the stock, so I'll be in the back. Uh, you need a name tag. Here." He took of his name tag and grabbed a piece of tape. He wrote my name on the tape and stuck it over his on the name tag. It was attached to a lanyard and it was needed to show that you work here. His was an American Horror Story one, which was good because I loved that show. I slipped it on and starting working. Man, the sacrifices I make.


"Alright, I'm gonna head up to my apartment. I'll see ya later, man." Michael said, giving me a hug then walking out the door. I sighed, walking to my room and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


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