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- Luke -

Since I had met Ashton, my anxiety had calmed itself. Normally I had to deal with it multiple times on a daily basis, it being an obvious struggle to the people around me. Even a random stranger could tell that something was going on.

But that all changed. I still struggled, but not as much. I could control it. It was almost as if not knowing who was behind the three little words on my wrist bothered me a lot more than I had thought.

It felt nice when a customer would question me about my tattoo and I would be able to tell them that I had met the person who said these words to me. Sometimes people can be fucked up, but when you tell them happy news about your tattoo, even a murderer would be happy for you. We've all been through the struggle of the curiosity and stress that comes with the tattoo, so we can all understand the relief of having escaped that.

I sat down at the register to begin my shift. It was Michael's turn to organize the place while I got to play it easy and just work the counter. I was kind of relieved, though, since I was too excited to sleep last night. What I was excited for, I don't know, but it had to be something good if it kept me up for the majority of the night.

The other workers had pointed out to me how my mood had lifted itself up. I told them the news and they were all happy. They were even more happier when they found out who, since they knew Ashton from all the times he came to see Michael. And since he got off an hour earlier, he was going to come by and hang out at the store, along with Cal.

I worked as I normally would as I waited for when Ashton and Calum would come by. When they finally did, the mall was basically empty so we all just got to hang out.

"I'm just saying, if Eren tried to kill himself because he wanted to kill all the titans, he would just become a titan because he had to hurt himself to become one." Calum said to Michael. They were currently in an argument about an anime called Attack on Titan. I had never seen it before, though the other three had. Ashton would occasionally throw in a comment about their disagreement, but the conflict was mainly Calum and Michael.

I had Ashton sitting on my lap, my arms wrapped around his waist. He would eagerly help out customers when they would come to pay. Some looked at us with a smile, happy for our relationship. Two girls even told us that we were cute together, letting us know that they shipped us. We took a selfie with them because Ashton wanted to. But there were some people who looked at us in disgust, which didn't really bother me but I could tell made Ashton slightly uncomfortable. I told him not to worry about it, which didn't help as much as I hoped it to, but he did ignore it slightly.

Closing time came quickly and we all met up with Miles to go out to eat. Calum kept complaining about being a third wheel, then I told him to actually go outside for once so he could meet his soul mate.

"What does your tattoo say anyway?" Ashton asked Calum as we sat down at a table in an Italian restaurant. Calum looked at his wrist.

"'You're crying pretty hard.'" Calum said, throwing his arm back on his lap after he finished reading it.

"Well that's something to look forward to. Kinda. Not really." Miles said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Yeah. Makes me wonder, though. How could one of the best days in my life seem to happen on one of the worst days of my life?" Cal asked, throwing his hands in the air. We dropped the subject, ordering our food and eating it when it got there. Michael, Ashton, and Miles said goodbye to Cal and me before they went off to their complex. Cal and I then went home. He played on his laptop while I showered, then I went to bed while he showered. I laid down in my bed with a sigh before a happy thought crossed my mind.

I had no anxiety problems today.



okay hopefully i am back for good. i'm so sorry and thanks for understanding.



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