26- Envelopes

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Chapter 26:

I was surprisingly cold when I woke up the next morning. I was relying on Luke to keep me warm because all he had was a thin sheet for both of us. His fingertips were cold against my exposed back and each time he would stir in his sleep I'd lose some of his heat.

I slipped myself out of bed carefully so I wouldn't wake him. There were some clothes scattered around the room, but my shirt was still by the couch. I put Luke's flannel on instead of getting my shirt and rolled the sleeves up just below my elbows. Before I had time to button some of it up Luke woke up. He got out of bed and walked over to me with a smug expression on his face.

"What's with the face?" I asked.

"Nothing," he replied, "Can I help you with that?"

He started helping me button the shirt before I even had time to answer him. It reached past my mid thigh, and he chose to fasten exactly one button that was slightly above my belly button.

He looked pleased with himself, "You're all set."

"Thanks," I laughed. "How exactly was that helpful?"

"Because now you're happy that it won't fly open and I'm happy that it's barely covering anything." he smiled.

I covered my face, "Luke, don't say that!"

He laughed in response and put some sweatpants on. "C'mon we're making breakfast."

"I'm too lazy," I sighed.

"Then I'll take you to the kitchen," he answered. He swiftly picked me up and carried me over his broad shoulder.

I kicked my feet in the air and squirmed around. "Luke put me down!"

"No I'm being a good boyfriend!"

I laughed, "This isn't what good boyfriends do!"

"Yes it is," he chuckled. He placed me back down in the kitchen, put his hands on my hips and stood there smiling.

I giggled, "I love you,"

"I love you so much Bailey," he kissed my forehead.



Luke said he needed to get a few things done before he could take me out for the night so I went home for a bit. I showered, straightened my hair and picked out some clothes for later in the night. He wouldn't tell me where we were going so I went with something casual.

I walked past the door to the garage and heard Ashton practicing by himself. He had been practicing day and night ever since they found out about the tour. Somehow he managed to practice nonstop without getting a noise complaint from our neighbors.

I knocked on the door, not that it made a difference because he was drumming too loud to hear anything. I let myself in and took a seat on the couch. He stopped drumming and is stern face lightened up a bit.

"Come here," I said.

He dragged his feet across the floor like a child. Ashton took a seat next to me and dropped his head to my shoulder. He let out a sigh that I could tell had been building up inside.

"Brother sister talk?" he asked, with his head still on my shoulder.

"Yep," I answered.

He sighed again, "I'm not ready for this."

I rolled my eyes, "Ash, you guys can do this."

He spoke up, "There's going to be thousands of people Bailey. What if I mess up?"

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