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'Am I a joke to you,Ronald? If true loves kiss would break the curse then why haven't to kissed him?' I was basically yelling at this point, 'how could this even happen?' The thought drifted around my mind until Ronald had said, 'well both people has to love each other for it to work, and I don't love him.' I flipped out my phone and called a forbidden number on it, sebastian Michaels. He picked up surprisingly, 'what do you want reaper?' I had told him everything I knew  about what had happened, everything, and soon after he had came to try to wake him up. I don't know why if was so hard to watch, the demon kissing grell, it was like something inside me cracked watching it, and I was kinda relieved when it didn't work. 'My work here is done.' Sabastian said as he walked out of the room In an ordinary fashion.  Why won't he wake up?

Skipping a few hours

I had tried every person he had shown affection too to kiss him but stayed in his state. I couldn't understand why nothing was working. Well I guess true love doesn't exist then. Me and Ronald stayed with him incase he woke up. The beeping on the machine changed. Beep,beep,beep,beep.
Ronald jumped up from his chair and ran to find a nurse. The machine seeped quicker.beep, beep,beep,beep. No this couldn't be happening, beep,beep,beep. No. 'Sutcliff.'  beep,beep,beep. Don't leave me now. Ronald dragged me out of the room. Nurses circled around him. It was happening so fast. Beep,beep,beeep. Silence. The worst thing had happened. Silence. No bleeping of the machine. Just silence.
One of the nurses slowly walked out, 'I'm sorry mr.spears, we've lost him.' The words I dreaded, feard even, hurt me dearly. My job revolves around death but this time I couldn't bare it. My grell was gone and I hope the angels take pity on his soul.

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