It's been a while

Start from the beginning

They really caught my attention despite the fact that I know how to use those but I never really used them, they were in a stand.

"Hey Six, is someone using those katanas?" I asked him

"Those are from the operator Hibana, her family sent the blades to her after her father was killed...she hasn't touched them since then" Six said

"I'll ask her if she can lend them to me" I said smiling

Six helped me there by calling her through the speakers, the moment she arrived she was sad and wearing her hoodie like always or so Six says but I can understand, I was sad too the day I lost my family.

"Yumiko, mister (y,n) would like to ask you something" Six said and she stopped looking at the floor and began looking at me

"I'm going on a mission and I would like to know if you can lend me your blades...I know they are important so I make sure to take care of them" I said

"Where are you going?" She asked me

"Japan..." I replied and her eyes widened in surprise

"The white masks killed my father...I'm not sure if I can look at them now but if you are going to use them to kill them...take them" She said, she tried to sound tough but even though she looked back at the floor again I saw a tear coming down her cheeks

"Don't worry, Hibana...I'll make sure not a single white mask leave that place" I said lifting her chin

"Thanks (y,n)" she said the turned around and walked away then Grace was coming

"Well (y,n) you are also going because we are going to see how you develop yourself as a team and in combat" Six said

Grace came to equip me with a camera that will show footage of whatever I do in the mission, my outfit was simple, a bulletproof vest, my typical shirt with long sleeves the katanas on my back, and my rifle in the middle of them. I was wearing a jean my pistol stored next to my belt and a few flash grenades too, a my shoes were my old sneakers.

"You are not wearing some head protection?" Six asked me

"Why? If I die it won't be because of a headshot" I said really confident

When I was heading out of the armory when I heard the green haired woman voice, I turned around and she was leaning on the wall next to the armory door.

"Where are you heading?" she asked me

"You told me not to talk to you" I smirked

"Answer me" She demanded and I sighed

"I am heading to japan" I answer her

"I want you to be careful...I still think you are an idiot ...but you are a cool idiot" She said then left I was amazed...that woman even her compliments are insults

Time Skip
Tokyo, Japan

We just arrived to the hotel Six wanted us to infiltrade, I wanted to discuss our move with Nøkk but she left me and told me not to follow her...I guess the part where we team up...won't be happening.

"Well, I knew this would happen. I mean what would you expect from someone who goes around the base with a veil on her head and doesn't share her name with anyone" I said

I keep doing that...when I'm alone I always talk alone...even when I have questions five seconds later I answered them myself, I was thinking if the white masks are in that hotel I'll head to the building next to it so I can have a better view.

When I arrived to the rooftop I did it with a chair, don't ask me where I got it but then took a sit and yawned. I threw myself in the floor and with my rifle I began checking every floor. I counted twenty floors. the distance between my building and theirs was almost ten meters.

Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now