Dahlias and Daisies

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you said you used to like plants,
you kept them by the window in your room,
but most of the time you had your blinds shut.

and with the lack and heat and light
of course they wilted.
you decided they were boring and old
so you bought new ones.

and with the delicate dahlia left carelessly in your back yard,
she saw all of your new plants through the window she looked in.

and with the lashing rain beating her down
and the wind tearing out her petals,
she had a choice to make.

she could either give in and let the rain kill her,
or she could be strong and let it help her grow

and maybe it was out of spite, or revenge, or respect for herself,
but she used the rain to overcome her woe.

now she's beautifully in bloom all thanks to the wet weather
but you should learn to treat people better,
because people are not plants.

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