Unless Life Also Gives You Sugar And Water, Your Lemonade Is Going To Suck

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I was never a morning person, yet I had awoken in the unbearably very berry early morning, when the sun had not yet risen, yet the sky was already turning from black to blue.

Something powerful was the cause of the wake up call I didn't order, reaching as far as to grab me from my dream itself. I could feel a power calling to me. Ordering me to get up.

I blinked my eyes open a few times as I took in everything in the room. The curtains flowing with the gentle breeze, the elven lights outside making everything look not as dark as it really was. From my tiny corner of the world, in an even smaller moment of time itself, it seemed to all the rest of the world at peace.

But something was wrong. No matter how much I wanted to lay back down and rest, I had no control over my body.

It was as if I was being controlled by a puppet master as I slowly got up and slipped into a day dress, but even with the minimal noise I made, Bilbo had awoken as well.

"Tanya? What's going on?" He asked sleepily, still half out of it.

I had gotten to my door, but I fought against the unseen force controlling me, and I answered him. "Nothing. Please just go back to sleep." Then I left.

Unfortunately, Bilbo decided to follow me rather than my command.

And then strangely, I had only taken five-ish steps out, and the force was gone; no longer controlling me. But there was a reason I was led outside, and I had to find out why.

I stopped walking and spun around to face Bilbo, who was at my heels. "Bilbo, can you please just stop following me and go back to sleep?" I pleaded.

But he just stared at me. "Not until you tell me what you're doing." He said. "It's too early, you should go back to bed." He pointed out.

But I shook my head and turned around to continue walking. If he wanted to come with, who was I of all people to deny him.

Unfortunately I didn't see the figure directly in front of me, and I almost plowed right into them. "What? Don't do that! I almost ran into you." I ranted, holding my arm back from flying out to hit the figure.

"My apologies." The person said. But it wasn't just any person, I realized. It was Thorin.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Thorin? What are you doing out at this hour?" I asked with a Mom tone.

And outside my room of all places?

"I could be asking you the same thing." He shot back.

Well he got me there. What was I supposed to say; 'Oh, some power woke me up and pulled me out of bed and dragged me outside.' They would definitely leave me behind on the grounds of being insane. Though, they haven't yet, to my knowledge.

But before anyone could anything in my defense, very familiar voices in conversation a level below us drifted up. Just recognizing them was nothing though. What really topped the cake was when the puppeteer power got in my head and ordered me to catch up, and gave me the reason why.

Surprise White Council meeting.

I sighed and rubbed the sides of my head in frustration. I'm getting to... well not necessarily too old, but I'm too tired to just walk in and be civil with whoever will be there this time.

Before I waited for their reply, I pushed past Thorin and ran down the massive flight of stairs down the walkway to catch up behind the persons who hadn't seen or heard me yet.

Gandalf and Elrond were walking along the walkway in a full debate-like conversation, which I snuck up behind them to hear.

"Of course I was going to tell you. I was waiting for this very chance. And really, I think you can trust that I know what I'm doing." Gandalf told Lord Elrond.

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