So Is it Elrond, Or Red Skull This Time?

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We kept following the path for what felt like hours, and to be honest, it was kind of exhausting. I was still following behind the pack at my preferred distance, and the limp I had been trying to hide had only seemed to get more obvious. On the bright side though, the bleeding had subsided for the moment.

I couldn't help noticing Thorin frequently looking up at the giant crack running through the roof of the cavern to make sure the light shined through. He seemed overly tense or really on edge; either way, ready for a fight at a moments notice.

With the elves showing up seemingly out of nowhere, I had figured out where we were going some time ago, but just decided not to say anything. It didn't take an idiot to see that Thorin had a predisposition to elf racism, so I might have said something as a heads up to them... if I respected or even liked him.

Bilbo finally left my side to commune with the wizard. "Gandalf" He said to get his attention. "Where are we?'' he asked.

Gandalf observantly looked down at the small man. "You can feel it?" Gandalf asked.

"Yes." Bilbo replied, stopping. Because the path was so dang narrow, and I was behind them, I had to stop too. On the bright side, I was able to lift my bad paw off the ground and finally take my weight off it.

"It feels like... well like magic" he said awkwardly. I couldn't help tilting my head at him. Did he not believe in magic? He was literally talking to a wizard!

"That's exactly what it is. A very powerful magic" Gandalf replied.

"Just to clarify, it's not me." I said from behind them, which earned me a smile from Bilbo. I could have smiled too, and looking back, I really wish I did.

"There's a light ahead." Gloin said from the front of the pack.

Everyone started walking again, and I reluctantly had to follow them. I was seriously considering just staying and maybe letting someone come back for me.

I was eager to get out, and I felt relieved when I heard flowing water. When we were out, I stared out beyond the cliff drop, at the beautiful elven home, Rivendell.

The elf-racist must have been furious.

"The Valley of Imladris," Gandalf announced. "In common tongue, it's known by another name." He said, moving beside me.

"Rivendell." Bilbo muttered amazed. Clearly he's never been here before. He really should get out more.

"Here lies the Last Homely House East of the sea." Gandalf explained.

Thorin glanced carefully at me as he strode past me, but I couldn't tell if it was out of fear of me, or fear of accidentally stepping on me.

"This was your plan all along." He said to Gandalf angrily.

"Of course it was." I cut in, brushing past him. "Where exactly did you think he was last night?" I asked. It was pretty obvious, really.

Thorin glanced down at me for a second before glaring back at Gandalf. "To seek refuge with our enemy!" He seethed.

I scoffed at him because it was nicer than laughing in his face or just beating the crap out of him.

Gandalf narrowed his eyes at Thorin, "You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield."

Maybe one

"The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring upon yourself." He scolded.

Okay, that's very true.

"You think the elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." Thorin sassed.

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