Meeting With a Wizard

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It was around mid-day that a small female wolf emerged from the forest from a lunchtime hunt. It had been a good day; plenty of game as it was the season, so she proudly pranced down the familiar path towards home. Her homestead was no more than a glorified cabin to be honest, but she loved the land as it was well hidden and absolutely well protected. She had lived on the land for a very long time and knew it very well.

Suddenly a new scent crossed her path and she halted. The scent was very strong and very familiar, and it led in the direction of her home. Regardless of the fact she recognized the scent, she felt panicked to get home quickly, so she bolted down the path until her home came into view.

At her front door a figure cloaked in grey waited. It didn't take a genius to figure out who they were waiting for. She slowed her pace to a stalk as she crept up silently behind the person. He was an elderly fellow in grey robes and a pointy hat. She instantly recognized him as her old friend, Gandalf the Grey. But what was he doing at her home unannounced? What did the old fool want this time?


"Excuse me, but what do you think you doing?" I inquired with a bit of annoyance and a bit of curiosity. The wizard turned to find the source of the voice, but was greeted by the small tan wolf instead. "What are you doing here Gandalf?" I asked this time with just annoyance.

The man smiled warmly but did nothing beyond that. "Can't I visit an old friend?" Gandalf asked. It was an honest question, but I did not usually like people avoiding my questions with their own. Additionally he was acting a bit off, because a wizard never just 'visits an old friend' and that sounded an alarm in my head. 

I stared at him skeptically. "I think you're forgetting I know you. You aren't one to just pop-by" I pointed out.

His smile disappeared (I guess because he realized the doe eyes and pretty smiles never worked on me. I cut to the chase) and was replaced by a steel stare. "Hmmm. Perhaps we should speak inside." He suggested. Then he glanced around the forest beyond the trees. 

Why? Was there someone hiding out in the forest or something? Maybe it was Bambi! 

I wanted to sit in my chair though, so I did not sass him. I nodded once and moved past him to the door which I pushed open with my head. I rarely locked my door, because there really was no need to. I went out a lot, but an intruder could never get by me.

Once inside, I was greeted with the familiar scent of my home. The sitting room itself was brimmed from the floor to the ceiling with a wide variety of flora. I loved plants with a burning passion, and thank the Ilúvatar I developed a green thumb. "Please close the door behind you." I instructed as I padded to my chair. I wasn't about to let someone - even if they were a friend - take the best seat, so I sped to my armchair and curled up on the seat, laying my head on my paws. I loved that chair.

The wizard stared at me, giving me a strange look, but he finally sat in the chair opposite to mine. "I'm sorry. I'm not much for hospitality as you well know." I said.

I was really antisocial. I used to be very sociable and wanted friends, but over time I valued my alone time and desired to be around people less and less. Instead of criticism, which I was prepared for, Gandalf smiled.

"What?" I ask, raising my head.

"You remain a wolf, while a guest visits. I almost feel threatened" He replied and tried not to laugh.

And THERE'S the criticism I was waiting for.

I huffed, but conceded and my tan wolf shape was replaced with a normal dog with long tan fur. "How's this? More mundane." I declared with an additional eye roll. He nodded his approval and even gave a thumbs up. I felt so honored.

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