I blush in embarrassment and also relief, I just thought that maybe I was gonna be staying with my daddy's for a few nights... maybe I was wrong. During the car ride it was silent. But content, we arrive to their house and I begin to struggle grabbing my items from the trunk, as to which Kaleb and Konrad take over and leave me nothing to carry besides my phone and vape.

Once everything is settled in we all sit down in the living room and Kaleb turns towards me.

Kaleb: "now. Let's go over some rules okay? Since you're our little you gotta have some rules if you're in this house understood?"

Kristy: "understood."

Kaleb: "good, now here are the rules:
- Always say goodmorning and goodnight
- Make your bed
- No phone after bedtime
- No self harm
- Tell your daddies if something is wrong
- Tell your daddies if you broke a rule
- Do your best at everything
- Daddies shouldn't have to remind you the rules
- Remember your daddies are proud of you
- you are not allowed to tell your daddies no
- Ask permission for playtime
- When good expect rewards
- When bad expect punishments
- No sneaking or lying
- No ignoring
- Always address us with rank, not real names.
- Dont touch your daddies things
- Always give your daddies hugs and kisses
- Remember your daddies will always protect you
- Dont be pouty
- No doing drugs
- Always ask to go out
- No swearing
- Bed time is 11pm"

Kristy: "wow that's alotses...."

Kaleb: "don't worry over time they will become second nature. But until then we will have a poster on the fridge so that you can read them if you're not sure"

Kristy: "Otay!.... uh dada?"

Kaleb: "aweh princess, dada is amazing I love it"

I giggle and I'm immediately in my little space, I make grabby hands and my dada gladly picks me up, and carries me to my room and sets me on the floor.

Kaleb: "here princess why don't you play for a bit, dada has some things he needs to do, if you need one of us just let us know and we will come."

Kristy: "otay dada! Fanks yew!!"

And with that I was content and doodling in my colouring books, after filling in about 5 pages I got really sleepy, I got in my bed but I couldn't sleep, I got changed into my nighty and tiptoed down the hallway and I noticed my daddies were both sound asleep in their room or it looked like it at least. I shrugged my shoulders and I decided to sleep with Konrad again, since his bed was super comfy the last time, I snuggled into bed beside him and I wrapped my arms and legs around him, I get snuggled close to him and I kiss his jaw line. His arms wrap around me and pull me closer to him.

Kristy: "good night daddy sweet dreams!"

Konrad: "good night kitten"

I purred at the petname, woah I never did that before but I couldn't give it much thought because I was already fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning to a cold and empty bed, where's my daddy?!?!

Kristy: "DADDYY!! DADAAAA!!!"

Just like that Kaleb comes bursting into the room with worry written all over his face, I'm wiping away the tears as I'm trying to make grabby hands for my dada chocking down my anxiety.

Kaleb: "shh princess it's okay, it's okay dadas here now"

Kristy: "w-Where's Daddy? He go bye Bye?"

Kaleb: "Nono princes he just went to work and he didn't wanna wake you up early, he'll be back tonight okay so don't worry."

Kristy: "p-pomise?"

Kaleb: "pinky promise."

We linked pinkies and kissed our fists before unlatching our pinkies. My tummy grumbles and I couldn't help but giggle

Kaleb: "sounds like someone's tummy monster is hungry"

Kristy: "oh he's starving"

My dada picks me up and carries me to the kitchen we're the table is already set up with breakfast and I begin to drool at the sight. And to which Kaleb just chuckles at me gazing upon the feast before me.


1263 words

And that's a wrap! Kaleb and Kristy will have a fun filled day in the next chapter. I didn't wanna cut it short so I'm dedicating a full chapter to them.

I won't be doing chapters day by day, but I definitely want to stick with the first week of kristy getting settled in, and after I'll do some time cuts.

And like always remember to leave a Rate and a Comment if you enjoyed it would mean the world to me.

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