Chapter four: Pranks and revenge

Start from the beginning

"Really?" I asked a little shocked

"Really" he replied.

"Show me then perhaps I'll believe you," I said.

"Very well" he got up and went over to the area where all his drawings of Christine were and started to rummage around a few boxes until he found his old monkey. He came back over to me and showed me his monkey, "believe me now?" He asked.

"Yep" I replied, "do you have a name for him or her?"

"Jim" he answered, "and yours?"

"Hetty" I answered.

"How long have you had Hetty?" He asked.

"Since my father passed away when I was six, so fourteen years," I replied, "what about you?"

"Lost track" he answered, "that's how long it's been."

"Well you've had yours longer than me," I said.

"This is going to sound childish but Jim has been the only friend figure I've had besides Madame Giry," he said looking into his monkey's eyes.

"I don't think that sounds childish," I said.

I decided to show him being childish wasn't a bad thing by making Hetty waddle over to Jim and hug him.

"I'm almost twenty years old and I'm still childish," I said smiling.

Erik smiled back and made Jim hug Hetty back.

(Time skip: a month later)

Erik's POV:

It's been a month since Addie came to live with me. I sorted out a room for her so she doesn't have to sleep on the sofa anymore. I started to give her singing lessons to help her sing somewhat like Christine which surprisingly, she learned quite quickly. I woke up before Addie today, I thought about waking her up but I decided to leave her be.

(Time skip brought to you by me listening to Carlotta's screeching she calls singing in the song 'Prima Donna' while writing this)

It is currently 10:30 am and Addie is still in bed. I went to go wake her up and when I entered her room I found her still asleep and Hetty on the floor. I picked her Penguin and knelt down next to her bed to look at her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful, not to mention beautiful. Wait what? Did I just..... no, am I falling in love with her? I think I am. Do you think she'll..... no! She couldn't love a monster like myself. Could she? Anyway, I had to wake her up because I wanted to tell her something that may surprise her.

"Addie. Addie, time to wake up" I said but instead of her opening her eyes she groaned and put her face in her pillow.

"You can't sleep forever," I said giving another attempt to wake her up.

"Go away and let me sleep" she muffled voice replied.

She definitely wasn't getting up anytime soon. I thought for a moment, then an idea came into my mind that made me smirk. I'll pour a bucket of water over her. At least I'd get my revenge from when she did that to me.


Addie gave me some inspiration for music so I was working on that while Addie did her own thing. It was pretty late in the evening and I was starting to doze off at my organ. I think Addie noticed this so she grabbed a bucket from somewhere, went to the lake to fill it up, quietly walked over to me and dumped the water over me resulting in me, my organ and my music sheets getting soaked. That certainly woke me up.

"THAT'S COLD!" I shouted my eyes wide and my back straight.

Addie burst out laughing. I turned to see her holding her sides as she continued to laughing.

"Of course it's cold," she continued to laugh again until she spoke again, "it came from the lake!"

I looked back at my music sheets to see the ink smudged. I turned back to her to see she calmed down a bit, "I'll get you back for this Addie Long."

"We'll see," she said before going to her room.

*end of flashback*

I put Hetty on Addie's bedside table and went to get a bucket of lake water. I returned with the bucket and without a second thought, threw the water onto her. She shot up into a sitting position taking deep breaths from the shock of how cold the water was. I just laughed.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THAT'S FUCKING COLD!" she swore giving me a look of shock.

I tried to compose myself before speaking but it didn't really work, "Addie, it's not ladylike to swear," I said before laughing again.

She got out of her now soaking bed and she walked up to me. My laughter died when I saw what she was wearing and I just stared.

"Erik this is 2016, people sometimes start swearing when they're toddlers," she said before she saw I was staring at her, "what are you staring at?"

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"Erik this is 2016, people sometimes start swearing when they're toddlers," she said before she saw I was staring at her, "what are you staring at?"

I averted my eyes from her and looked at the ground, "you're barely wearing anything"

I think she looked down at her outfit and just said, "Oh right, well I have my reasons to wear this."

"And those reasons are?" I asked looking at her face trying not to look at her very revealed body.

"The fact that it's the middle of summer and I'm used to a pretty cold climate" she replied. I noticed a little bit of blush climbing onto her face.

"Anyway," I said changing the subject, "I want to tell you something so get yourself cleaned up and dressed. I'll see you in a moment."

After she showered and got dressed, she came over to where I was at my organ where I was re-writing my music.

"So," she said gaining my attention, "what did you want to tell me?"

I took a deep breath before I looked at her, "I've given what's on my mind some thought and I've decided that I will be brave and go outside letting everyone see me instead of me just trying to hide in the shadows."

"Really?" She asked, "you want the world to see you?"

"Yes but I'll still have my mask and wig on while I'm out," I said.

She motioned me to scoot over on my stool a bit so she could sit next to me and she embraced me in a hug.

"I'm glad you wish to get over your fear of people seeing you," she said.

"So am I," I said hugging her back.

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