Chapter 7

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Tony's P.O.V

I was relieved that i called for my suit in time, exactly before the men in black came rushing in. They looked at the kid,  then around the room. When there eyes landed on me, they looked a bit started at first, howver quickly got over it as they started to charge at me. I let out a small sigh, as i raised my hands, and shot my repulsers at each of  the men, knocking down and out before anyone of them landed even a single scratch on my.
Once all of them were down and out, i looked over to the kid to see how he was doing, while hoping that the kid didnt get hurt in any way possible.
I started panicking, seeing that the kid past out. However was quick to snap out of it, knowing that i should get the kid to safe as fast as possible. I flew over to him, picking him up, and flying straight through the walls, while making sure non of the debrief gets anywhere near the kid.

As i flew through the wall, i nearly flew right into someone, only to realize it was just Capsicle.
Hey guys its me again! I know it's been a long time and for that I would like to say I'm sorry. I've been so busy lately with friends, family and transferring schools, and it's totally not because I forgot about this book (okay I might of slightly forgotten about it just a little bit😅😅)................................................................
Stop it. I know ur giving me that look of disappointment. I'm sorry okay😭 I'll try to upload regularly. Please forgive me!!!

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