Meeting a Avenger.(chapter 2)

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When a figure, covered in black came in and looked at the boy working on the computer, before looking around the room to check if the man was still unconscious. Luckily for him he was, which made him mutter something under his breath which only peter seemed to pick up. The man then turned back to Peter and noticed he had finished his work. The man then took Peter to the back of the room to where there was a punching bag, weights and other gym stuff. The man then walked back out of the room leaving Peter and The Man ,(who he thought was asleep) alone.
Tony's POV
I woke up in a weird looking room. I looked around to see that i was in a large area with stone walls and ground and the place was basically empty exept that there was a area with all gym equipment in the back of the room. I was about to get up when i noticed that i was tied up to a wall. I tried to steuggle my way out of the eope but it was just no use, the rope was jist to thick and strong. After finally giving up i looked up around the room once more to see if there was any way to gwt free of the rope. That was when i noticed that i was not alone in that room, there was also a kid here that looked to be around 10-13 years old, sitting at a desk remodeling a computer that had been older than him and maybe cap.
I just stared at the boy watching him work. To say i was surprised of what a kid was doing here and how he mad a extremely old computer and rebuilt it with in minutes to a whole new level, (which could be as good the computers and technology he has built), was an understatement.

He finally snapped out of it and had enough courage to ask the boy for help.
The boy looked a bit unsure at first however had decided that he would help, he got up out of his seat and walked over towards me and was about to untie me when he suddenly stopped and had quickly ran back to his seat and quickly went on back to working on the computer.
I was about to way something when i saw a man dressed in black walk in and realized that the kid must have heared him , so i decided it would be a good idea to pretend to still be unconscious. A few minutes had past in silence and then i heared the figure mutter something under his breath which i couldnt understand from back here. After a few seconds i heared some  reach for me to hear. I decided to take a quick peek so i slowly lifted one of my eye lids to see that the man in black had taken the kid to the back of the room where all the gyn equipment was.

Then the man turned around so i quickly shut my eye again and pretended to still be knocked out. I then heared footsteps come closer and closer when i heared a door open then close as it seemed as if the man had walked out the door. I listened in closely to see if the steps were getting closer to me or further away, luckily for me they were getting further away and i kept listening until the foot steps were far away, enough that i couldn't here the footsteps any more

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