Chapter 15

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Chris pov ( time jumped 5 weeks)

"Sereyah , can u give it a rest and go to sleep please " I said half sleepy

"How can u just sleep knowing u killed people Chris that's not right " she says shaking her head

This is like every night now . She complains about what I do and how I act like nothing is wrong . I told her countless of times that she Doesn't have to come with us . But of course she still comes . So at this point I can't feel bad for her .

"Chris he had a family and u took them kids father away"

"I did them kids a favor , every killing I do there's always a reason behind it , I just don't kill for no reason"

"U still kill tho "

I got up and walked out the room "she stay complaining about something " I mumbled to my self walking in the kitchen

I saw Daya eating chicken "Hey baby boy" she smiled at me

Did I mention I love when she calls me baby boy . It sounds sexy when she says it.

"Hey lil mama" I smiled back grabbing a piece of chicken off her plate "munchies ?"

"Hell yeah" she laughed . Man I love her laugh

"U know this tyga chicken " I said

She shrugged "oh well .its still good"

We sat in silence for a moment "u , okay ?" She ask sitting next to me

"Yeah .. I will be" I said

"Come on" she nudge me with her shoulder " talk to me"

I sighed "sereyah" I said

She laughed "u don't even gotta say anything else I already know" she said making me laughed

"But u do know... she has a right to feel the way she dose ....everyone just can't handle seeing someone kill somebody on they conscience "

"Yeah but at the same time I've told her so many times to just stay back ...she don't listen so I can't really feel bad for her"

"U have a point there" she giggled . She so fucking beautiful

"Question"she says

"What's up" I asked looking at her

"What did u do get in prison for 5 years" she ask looking at me

"U sure u want to know" I asked "I don't want u to just up and leave "

"That's ur problem ain't it , u think someone just gonna leave u"

I shrugged

"No matter what u did I'm not gonna leave u Chris some people has a reason for doing what they did so let me here it"

"I killed both my parents and my twins sisters and also my foster parents and their 3 kids " I looked at her she nodded letting me know two finish.

"I was mad that my parents decided to give me and tyga up but kept my twins sisters ... we went from foster homes to foster homes and the last foster people. Would beat us and abuse us while they biological kids just sat and watch soo one day I decide to get my revenge and kill all of them "

"So u telling me that u killed 9 people by urself "

"Nah tyga helped of course but he was only 16 at the time I was 18 I couldn't just let him go to jail they was gonna trail him as an adult so I took the fall for the both of us while he handled everything else"

My ride or die ( zendaya x Chris brown )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora