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Jasper lays with Wanda in the middle of a glen in the trees. It's beautiful out here and even better with Wanda next to him. She sits at his side playing with a daisy chain between her fingers, she's smiling, bright and warm and stunningly beautiful. He loves her. More than anything.

"I thought we could take the summer" Jasper offers her softly brushing his fingers through her hair. "Whilst they get busy with wedding plans we can spend some time together" she hums listening to him. "Just a couple of weeks"

"I thought we talked about this" she tells turning to him.

"We did, and you agreed to somewhere remote"

"Actually, I didn't..." she counters. "You ended the conversation by wanting to have sex" he smirks at her, she sighs a little. "Where?" she asks him.

"London" he answers sitting up to join here. "Carlisle has a cottage in the country.....remote, peaceful..." he kisses her shoulder and nuzzles closer to her. "Just you and me, Mrs Hale" she looks to him softly and smiles.

"Why do I feel like this has an alterer motive?" she asks him, he shrugs.

"I can't want to do something nice for my wife?" he counters, she leans closer to him and raises her hand, letting her rest mist form.

"I could read your mind" she points out.

"But you won't" he argues taking her hand, the mist disappearing, he pulls her closer to him. "We didn't really get to enjoy our post-marital time" he points out. "We got married, then bam...vampire army" he kisses the back of her hand.

"Alright" she whispers softly with a smile. "Fine" she adds as he wraps her up in his arms. "A couple of weeks" she agrees, he pulls her closer as he lays down, she has to adjust herself to straddles his waist. She is happy. Truly for the first time in a very long time she feels happy. With him.


Jasper sets a small weekend suitcase onto the couch as Wanda brushes her hair at the dresser, she's nervous, he can tell, with this trip she will have to be around humans. As a newborn he probably should never had suggested it but she's doing really well. She's very controlled considering her age. He's proud of her, and he believes in her. She can do this. He knows she can.

"What do you want me to pack?" he asks moving to their wardrobe. Wanda and Pietro had basically moved in since the vampire army. Not that any of them mind, they all love the twins. Rosalie has even come around to liking Wanda. Possibly with the whole vampire thing now.

"Whatever you think is best" she answers him warmly. He hums a little and opens the wardrobe doors to look over their clothing. He honestly doesn't have much planned for them. Keeping it on a if they're feeling it kind of thing. He knows that not everyday she will want to do something, or feel up to anything. He sticks to everyday wear for now. Gathering shirts, jeans...a few jumpers. He should have asked for Alice's help. Wanda's hand find his shoulders and he smiles looking to her.

"Jasper" she coos. "You know what I wear, why do you look so confused?" she teases a little.

"I've never had to pick out clothes before, not even my own" he admits. "Alice usually does it" he whispers, she smiles and kisses his cheek.

"You look good in grey and dark blue" she tells him taking the deep red shirt back from his hands, she hangs it back up and chooses something more Jasper. He smiles watching her sort through the clothing.


Emmett sets Jasper and Wanda's bag into the car as Carlisle hugs Wanda tightly, he's a little worried about her going on this trip but Jasper has assured him she will be okay. He trusts Jasper's judgement on this. She pulls back from him.

"Thank you" she tells Carlisle. "I haven't said it and I should have" she adds. "For...everything you've done for me"

"You're family" he assures her. "We do anything for family" she smiles and nods feeling herself getting upset. Wanda moves to Pietro who smiles softly reaching for her hand.

"I'm going to miss you" Pietro tells Wanda quietly, his little finger looped around her little finger, like children. This will be the first time they've been apart in forever. They have Jasper and Alice now so it's not like they'll be alone. Just apart. Wanda gives him a sad smile, Pietro kisses her forehead and smiles. "But it's okay" he assures her pulling back. "I'll be here when you get back" he promises her.

"And I will be back" she adds. "I wouldn't leave you alone" he nods, he knows this. They share a bond. A twin bond that won't ever be broken. She touches his cheek and then moves onto the next family member to say goodbye to, they have a whole family now. Not just the two of them. But an entire family. Jasper moves to Pietro's side, they two of them stand together as they watch Wanda saying goodbye to the others. Pietro worries his hands together and then turns to Jasper.

"Look after her" Pietro tells Jasper who nods.

"I will" he assures him, the two of them sharing a look. Jasper pats Pietro's shoulder and then moves back to Wanda who smiles talking with Rosalie.


Jasper closes the car door and lets out a breath, Wanda smiles from her seat and reaches over for his hand. He smiles threading his fingers with hers as he starts the car.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora