Josh 0.3

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"Josh... Josh...JOSH!" I snapped out of my trance and back to reality. My manager Emily was throwing red and white straws at me that resembled candy canes. "There's a customer," she said directing my attention to a man in a corner booth. It was a secluded and unpopular booth. The metal table was filled with writing in permanent marker, garbage on the seats, spilled drinks, tears, and more writing. The diner did not have the money to remove it, so it usually sat untouched, hoping to be forgotten with the exception of drunk lovers at 3 a.m. I slowly approached the booth, it had the smell of foul eggs and Pepsi. It was beyond me how this person could stand it, let alone choose it to sit in. Unsure if they were was female or male, I didn't address them directly. "Hi!" I said in the most up beat voice possible. I startled the man as he whipped around to face me, adjacent to the booth. "I'm Josh, What would you like to order?" I said and proceeded to list the special which was a French Onion soup and Waffle Fries. "Okay well, I'll have the Sweet Texas Onion Burger, with Yam Fries and a Large Milkshake." He seemed to choose the three biggest things on the menu. I was so busy examining him, I had to have him repeat his order. As I was walking away, his image stayed in my mind. I was curious. His appearance was disheveled, but professional with the way he dressed. He was unshaven and looked like he needed a year-long sleep considering the massive purple bags under his bright blue eyes. Round thick 80s style glasses were hanging halfway down his likely 30-year-old face. The expensive suit and briefcase he carried stood out, making me even more the curious.

I was caramelizing the onions and cutting the fries when Emily walked through the heavy swinging doors. She was only 27 and took over the diner when her dad passed away a few years ago. She'd managed to pull it from bankruptcy and maintain the charm her father had created back in the late sixties.  She was tall and friendly, with a smile that was contagious. Her short blonde hair complimented her facial structure. We were the same size height wise, but she was much skinnier than I was, only weighing 140 pounds. "Hey, the customer just walked out," she said with a sigh.

"But I'm making his food!"

"Oh well."

She shrugged "He just got up and left, ugly briefcase and all." She added, sitting atop the sanitized metal counter. "Well shit," I said dumping the still hot onions and potato in the garbage. It was a waste, but it's also health regulations. Emily prides herself on the consistent A health code ratings.

"Hello?" We heard a small voice come from the front of the diner, I immediately knew who it was. The cold doors moved slowly as I pushed them to reveal a beautiful as always, May. She had on an oversized blue sweatshirt that passed half her leg and ended so you could still see the skirt she wore for work. She gave me a shy smile and sat on a red and white bar stool. Her beauty was alluring and I just wanted to see more, especially on this miserable Wednesday night. "I see you're very busy, but care to help a girl out?" She gestured to the completely empty restaurant. "Uh yeah." I suddenly felt extremely self conscious without reason. I just wanted to be comfortable but I was trying too hard. 
Get over yourself. You're so immature what the hell, seriously.
"Hey you okay?" She asked with worry. I tried to muster up a smile that was believable but I could tell convincing her that I was not having an internal battle would be difficult. The look she gave me was one of annoyance but with an unmistakable smirk. She hopped off the plastic topped stool and sauntered over to the jukebox, which was set up to play current hits. In a swift tug on the sleeves of her sweater, it was off revealing a white shirt tucked neatly into her black skirt. An upbeat melodic song made the jukebox come alive. Swaying her hips and pointing towards me, as if reeling me in (she already had me hooked), she danced and lip-synced between the square tables before she reached me. "Have you had anything to drink?" I asked confused but happy with the way things were playing out. She threw her head back in laughter and pulled me in to dance. I could tell she just wanted to let loose, I even believed I would get lucky tonight until I considered the circumstances.

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