Konrad: "here change into this, would be more comfortable than what you're wearing"

Kristy: "w-where do I change?"

Konrad: bathroom is right behind that door"

He points to a door in the corner of his room and I shoot him a soft smile, I go in and close the door and quickly change his shirt barely passes mid thigh but it is more comfortable than the outfit I was wearing earlier, I place my undergarments inside of my clothes and carry them into his room, and place them by his bedroom door feeling his eyes on me while I do so

Konrad: "I sleep in my boxers just a heads up, here hop in"

Kristy: "that's fine it's your home whatever you're comfortable in"

I hop in his bed next to him and he turns of his lamp, he maintains a respectful distance between us which I appreciated, I snuggled into his bed being hugged in the scent of pine and mint, as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up in the morning practically squeezing Konrad in half with my death grip, but he's sound asleep so he didn't notice. My shirt rode up in my sleep exposing my underwearless bottom, I slowly try and remove my arms to fix my shirt without waking up Konrad but alas, I failed because I accidentally elbowed him in the process.

He wakes up and looks me over nothing how tight I was wrapped around him, and then he looks down for a second and then looks back up at me. Oh god please tell me he didn't notice I wasn't wearing underwear, I hate sleeping in underwear I wore the day before. Darn you hygiene.

He shuffles over moving the blanket which cover my lower half, I take the opportunity to cover my woman hood trying to cover up my shame. He passes me a new T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and he tells me that he's going to shower, and I can wear those if I liked, once I hear the bathroom door lock I quickly change and sit patiently on his bed.

Konrad's POV•

I wake up to the sound of hunter running around downstairs, hm I wonder if Kristy woke up, I get up and walk to the hallway, hearing hunters bark and quiet shouts confirmed these thoughts for me. I walk to the kitchen listening to Kristy scold the dog, my god she's just the cutest thing ever. I just wanted to take her for myself while she was sleeping on the couch but Kaleb made me swear not to touch her until she agreed to be ours.

I turn on the kitchen light interrupting her little rant to hunter which causes her to jump slightly and turn to face me.

Konrad: "I knew you were awake I could hear you stomping around down here"

Kristy: "please don't hurt me I'll give you money I won't tell anyone what happened we can work something out"

I laugh at her confusion and vulnerability. If Kaleb didn't make me swear, I'd have her pinned on the counter by now while I fucked her, but nooo, I had to be good. I take a few steps towards her to help sooth her fears, which backfired because she just shuffles back, i put up my hands in a defensive manner as I continue walking up to her until She backs up into the refrigerator, I walk up to her and gently grab hold of her arm as I use one hand moves some of her hair behind her ear

Konrad: "shhhh it's okay princess, I'm not gonna hurt you okay? Come, let's sit in the couch and I'll explain why you're here, okay?"

She softens up, and gives me a reluctant nod, I walk to the living room and check back to see if she's following, she is but she dosnt dare to make eye contact.

Konrad: "Here sit."

I pat the cushion beside me and She sits down, obviously trying to maintain some space, when Hunter comes and sits on the ground next to her, he places his head in her lap causing her to smile, which quickly fades when she looks at me to speak.

Kristy: "w-why am I here?"

Konrad: "well, what do you last remember?"

Kristy: "I-I remember playing with hunter and then we sat on the bench and talked for a while and then I don't remember"

Konrad: "well, let me rejog your memory. After you played with hunter you came and sat down with us because you got tired and needed a break, and after about 5 minutes of talking you fell asleep on Kaleb's shoulder, we didn't know where you lived so we brought you back here for the night"

Kristy: "y-you carried me to your home?"

Konrad: "well duh, we didn't bring our car to the park when we live next door"

She visibly relaxes when I told her how close we are to the park, that's when I got a idea.

Konrad: "would you like to finish your sleep in a bed? We didn't wanna freak you out more so that's why we put you on the couch, but you can come and sleep in my room if you'd like, hunter usually sleeps on the floor with me"

Kristy: "o-oh okay I guess..."

I smile because of how quickly she's warming up to me, I lead her to my bedroom and pass her a T-shirt so she can be more comfortable.

Konrad: "here change into this, would be more comfortable than what you're wearing"

Kristy: "w-where do I change?"

Konrad: bathroom is right behind that door"

I point towards the bathroom door, and after a few minutes she comes out with her clothes neatly folded, my shirt goes to about mid thigh on her, as she walks to the door and places her clothes down my shirt rides up a bit but not enough to show me her panties.

Konrad: "I sleep in my boxers just a heads up, here hop in"

Kristy: "that's fine it's your home whatever you're comfortable in"

Damn I should've slept nude... she hops in bed next to me and I reach over her to turn of the lamp, I shuffle over not to touch her because if I did I couldn't resist myself, she quickly falls asleep and I listened to her cute snores for a little bit until she rolled over and began to snuggle me. My skin was burning from her touch I couldn't handle it any longer but every time I tried to move her grip got stronger, she's a damn cobra in her sleep I swear. I eventually fell asleep after struggling for about a hour with her hulk like grip.

I wake up to a elbow to the gut, causing me to look at my intruder, which just to happened to be Kristy struggling to free her arm from underneath me, her face glows pink from blushing and I smile softly, I look down and I see that my shirt has risen to above her belly button and her pink mound of woman hood open for the world to see between her legs. I don't look for long because that sight made my morning wood 10x worse, I quickly hop out of bed throwing the blanket over top of her and I go to my drawers and throw her some clothes to put on. I mumble something about having a shower trying to cover up the lust in my voice and quickly get inside the shower, jerking myself off to the sight of her pussy right up against me

*thinking to himself*
Konrad: *why the fuck wasn't she wearing panties, i could of fucking fingered right then and watched her scream in pleasure but no my fucking brother has to ruin all the fun.*

After I cum to the thought of fucking Kristy I get out of the shower in a towel and I watch her eyes roaming across my abs, I turn and grab some clothes from my drawers and I drop my towel in front of her and pull up my boxers.

Causing her to go wide eyed and blush beat red, she quickly covers her eyes and stumbles to the door rambling about how she will wait in the living room.


2085 words
End of chapter two everyone!! Hopefully y'all like it! A bit longer than the last one ahaha

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