The Final Battle... Jeff vs. Liu

Start from the beginning

        "Jeffery! Fight me like a man"! I chuckled softly releasing his hand. He grabbed his knife, walking back out to the center, I followed in behind him, chuckling softly imagining what was coming his way.

        Yet again we stood in front of each other in the clearing. I held my knife tightly at my side, staring over at Liu who was doing the same. I grinned and quickly dashed towards him and he did the same. 

        We clashed into each other, clanking our knives together, desperately trying to hit each other. I dodged the thrust that was aimed at my head, quickly jabbing at his side, cutting him slightly. I grinned at the sight of the blood, slowly damping his light red shirt. 

        Liu growled as he looked down at his shirt, beginning to be more aggressive with his thrusts but, I was to fast. I punched him in his face, busting open his nose. He gripped his nose tightly and with amusement, I watched as the blood gushed through his fingers and down onto the ground. He glared up at me through watery eyes, I just laughed.

        "What's the matter Liu?! Can you not beat me?! I thought you were stronger now"?! I walked over to him slowly, kicking him directly in the cheek, sending him onto the ground. He laid there, screaming and gripping his cheek. I walked slowly over to him, sitting on top of his stomach. He glared up at me and tried to stab me. I quickly seized him by the wrist, squeezing it so hard I heard the bones crack. I watched his face cringe and I grinned as he screamed in pain. I jerked the knife from his now broken hand, and held it above his chest, placing my free hand over his mouth. 

        "Liu...don't worry's time to...GO TO SLEEEP"! I shoved the knife down, plunging it deep into his chest. I watched as his eyes roll back and his screams, muffled by my hand. I jerked the knife out and began repeatedly stabbing him over and over in the same spots. I laughed as I watched the tears flow from his eyes and the blood splattering onto my pale skin. I removed my hand from his mouth, gripping the handle with both hands. I looked down into Liu's lifeless eyes, grinning widely. I reared the knife back and shoved it deep through, piercing right through his beating heart. I slowly stepped off of him and watched as he coughed up blood, kicking and squirming on the ground, and gasping for air. This went on for what seemed like an eternity until, he stopped, slowly turning his head over to me. I looked down at him, his skin was white as snow, and the tears stained his face.

        "J-Jeff...*cough* I-I....forgive you...for wh *cough* what you did....I-I...I will always love you little bro....d-Don't...*Cough* don't die.....*deep inhale*". I stared down at him, my senses coming back to me slowly. I looked down at my blood soaked hands, and over at Liu's dead body. I felt my eyes tear up and my hands began to shake. I fell to my knees, gripping onto my hair tightly, and screaming at the top of my lungs. I lost my brother! I killed him again! "AHHHHHHHH"!

        I sat there screaming, crying, and freaking out. I couldn't believe it happened all over again. I stared down at Liu, my head pounding remembering how he looked the first time I did this. I leaned forward, sitting my head against the dirt. "What have I done....Why...WHY"?!?!?!

        "J-Jeff....i-is that you"? I was quickly snapped out of my crying by a soft voice calling out my name. I looked up and placed my hands on Liu's chest, smiling softly in hopes that it was him. "J-Jeff..."? I watched Liu's mouth but, it wasn't him talking. I slowly turned my head to the large rock at the side. 

        (Y/N) had her hand outstretched towards me, begging me to come over to her. I looked down at Liu and sighed softly, slowly standing up, and walking over to (Y/N). When I got beside her, I saw the large pool of blood that she was laying in. My eyes widened as I looked up at her face, it was so pale. I felt my hands shake as I gently placed my hand against her cold cheek. She jumped slightly at my touch but, smiled up at me. 

        "(Y/N)....? We have to get you to Dr. Smiley immediately"! I quickly slid my arms underneath her, gently lifting her off of the rock. I looked down at her and saw tears dripping down her cheeks. I knew she was in pain but, she would need to put up with it a little longer. I looked down at her and whispered softly "Don't'll be okay..just hang in there...please".

        I quickly dashed off towards the mansion. I was carefully not to bump into any limbs, rocks, stumps, or roots. I dodged everything with ease but, (Y/N) cried out every time I jerked slightly. I felt so bad..this was my fault for getting her into this all those years ago. I began to run quicker as I saw the mansion in the distance. "Just hold on (Y/N)....just hold on"!!!!!!

                                                        *(Y/N)'s Point of view*

        "Just hold on (Y/N)....just hold on!" was the last thing I heard before passing out again. Jeff had rescued me from Liu but, at what cost? He had to redo what caused him so much pain....killing his own brother...all because of me.

        "(Y/N) you wanna ride to the store with me"? I heard my grandmother call out to me happily. I smiled and ran up to her, hugging her side tightly looking up at her with a smile. "Please?! Oh, can I get some gum"?! I watched as she laughed at me, gently placing her head on my head, ruffling my hair saying "Yes, you know you are so spoiled". I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her laughing. I then watched as she slowly faded away, and as all the surroundings disappeared along with her. I screamed out her name, beginner for her to respond to me, or at least to come to me. I got no response. I sat down on the ground, crying into my knees, and gripping onto my legs. 

        "Why are you crying idiot"? I looked up slowly from my knees and saw Jeff standing in front of me with his arms crossed. I drug my sleeve across my eyes and glared up at him. He soon squat right in front of me, grabbing onto my cheek making me look at him. "What do you want Je- mmph"?! 

        I felt something soft and cold gently push against my lips. I looked down and saw Jeff, his eyes were closed, and his lips pressing against mine. My cheeks burned deeply as I sat there staring at him. Wh-What was going on?! Why is Jeff kissing me?!

        He slowly pulled away from me, pulling me close to him, and whispering softly into my ear saying "Wake up....wake up for me".

        I soon felt my heavy eyelids slowly lift. The light blinded me, causing me to squeeze them tightly shut. I slowly opened them again, the light not as bright at it was before. 

        I stared up at the grey ceiling, confused on where I was. I slowly pushed my body upwards, trying to get a better look at my surroundings. I looked around and saw dark green walls, a small yellow line running through the middle, and dark brown wooden floors. I sat my back against the large pillow that I was recently laying my head against. I looked down in my lap and saw a tiny piece of paper folded up with my name written in beautiful cursive. I gently picked it up and slowly unfolded it.


                I went to go bury Liu properly. I placed you in Ben's room because he has the comfiest bed. Also, Dr. Smiley stitched you up so please, don't do anything stupid. I'll be back shortly.

        I smiled softly at Jeff's little letter. Speaking of Jeff...what was that dream all about? Why was I dreaming of kissing Jeff? Maybe because it was just from the blood loss...yeah that's right...just the blood loss.         

        I slowly laid back down on the pillow slowly closing my eyes. I hope that dream was nothing...

(So What did ya think? ^-^ I hope you enjoyed the fight between Liu and Jeff because I really suck at writing action scenes. On another note, Thank you all so much for the 200+ reads! I had a terrible weekend but, getting on here today and seeing that, made my whole day even better. Thank you, to all my readers who read every chapter and vote :) You all have done so much even though it seems so minor. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart! ~Love Natsu <3 )



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