"Sebastian, sit down," my mother hisses, smacking his back.

"Look, he sees us!" Sebastian yells waving at Drew who finally notices us. He waves shyly as everyone around him snickers at Sebastian's outburst.

"I can't believe that worked," Olivia face palms and looks at Charlotte. Charlotte giggles, trying to stay serious but once Olivia chuckles all hope is lost.

I look at Drew and he smiles at me with a bright smile, I pull a funny face and he chuckles.

Someone taps a microphone on the stage, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the ceremony will begin in fifteen minutes, please get yourselves seated, thank you." Principal Johnston walks off the stage and starts talking to another faculty member.

Olivia looks at Charlotte, "Gerald is still alive?" she asks in mock horror.

"I honestly thought our school year would be the last straw for him, we drove him mad," Charlotte giggles.

"Let's not lie ladies, the fact that he's still here after Sebastian's graduation speaks volumes," our mother reminds them with a loving kiss on Sebastian's head.

He looks up at her with a boyish grin on his face, "Thanks Ma, I love you too."

"Maddie!" A young voice yells from a few rows away and we turn to look at a bunch of kids making their way down to the field. Natasha, Maddie's best friend motions her to come over.

Maddie waves back and looks over at mom, "Mom?" she asks pleadingly.

Mom waves her off, "Go have fun, but if are not back in ten minutes, I will eat the rest of your cookies." Maddie rolls her eyes with a smile and runs off to her friends.

A boy standing next to Natasha makes a comment to Maddie, pulling a strand of her hair, which makes her punch him in the arm with a scowl. He laughs at her attempt at violence and watches her walk off with Natasha, trailing behind them with his friends.

"Hey, who's the kid?" Sebastian asks, scowling at the boy who isn't even looking this way. "He looks a little too comfortable with Maddie."

"Honey, isn't that Carl's stepson?" My mother asks my dad for clarification.

My father looks over at Maddie, eyeing the boy carefully. "Yes, his name is Grayson, good kid."

"Good kid, my ass, did you see him pull her hair?" Sebastian demands.

"I did, and I also saw her punch him back, she's fine Bass," my father says with a twitch of his lips.

"Oh my god there she is," my mother hisses, pinching my leg to get my attention. Ms Benson is walking through the crowd at the base of the bleachers with her phone glued to her ear. Typical. She turns in our direction and my mother hides behind Sebastian's big head, "Don't let her see you!" I sit up taller with a smirk on my face.

"Mom, you're so dramatic," Charlotte comments from in front of us.

"Do you want her to sit near us?" My mother asks rhetorically.

"Well if we're being honest, if she sees us, she'll probably head in the opposite direction," I counter with a shrug of my shoulders.

My mother's head lifts up and a smile slowly graces her face, "Tess, Honey, you're a genius," she sits back up and proceeds to talk loudly to my father next to her.

Thankfully Principal Johnston comes over the mic asking everyone to take their seats as the ceremony is about to begin.

Maddie maneuvers back over to us after saying goodbye to her friends. "So, who's this Grayson kid, huh?" Sebastian asks as soon as she sits down.

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