Chapter 7

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The next morning brought with it her second official meeting with Frances. Nina checked the room number from the Professor's email again, Room 516, before raising her hand to knock on the door she had been staring at. The sound of shuffling papers and the scrape of a chair came from the other side of the heavy wooden door, before steps echoed closer. The door swung open slowly and Frances' face appeared in the frame, smiling broadly.

'Come on in, Nina.' The woman beckoned her into the office that opened behind her. Frances hadn't been kidding about the views. A large window, that looked out over the leafy campus below and the city beyond, ran the length of the far wall. Squat and imposing in the middle of the room, sat a big, oak desk. On her left, a simple bookshelf, that covered the entire wall, housed more books than Nina had ever seen outside the library. Three semi-conscious steps took her within touching distance of the collection, her senses barely registered the thick, Persian rug she crossed in the process. Her suspicion was vindicated as she read the titles poured across their spines. Military Geographies by Rachel Woodward and Gender, Militarisation, and Sovereignty by Lorraine Dower were the first to catch her eye, this office was that of a human geographer. 'Dr. Ikande's research on militarisation and the transformation of social dynamics in the vicinity of urban and rural military bases is really quite fascinating, though quite far removed from what we're interested in.' Nina turned back to find the professor standing behind the desk, with her hands in her pockets. 'Shall we get started?'

Frances had sent her the most recent version of the book (the introduction and most of the results) the night before, which Nina had glanced at before returning to the reading she had due for class. In this meeting they were to go over what she had so far and where best to get started. They spent forty-five minutes in animated debate of the professors results and what they thought it might mean and therefore, how they might best approach the discussion and analysis sections of the book. It was not until the women heard a knock at the door that either of them glanced at the clock and registered the time. They shared a look and a shrug before Nina rose to answer the door. With his hands in his pockets, as appeared to be his preferred stance, Professor Jacobs gave her a brilliant smile as she opened the door.

'Uh, hello', Nina reeled herself in and corrected herself promptly, 'sorry, Professor Jacobs, its nice to see you.' She stepped out of his way so that he could join them in the office. Frances rose and circled the desk in a few long strides, raising her hand in greeting to the head of department.

'What're you doing here, Jacobs?' There was a laugh in her voice that drew Nina up short.

'I heard Gabriel had finally ceded you his office, which I just had to see,' Nina almost gaped at the two of them as they quipped. 'How long have you been trying to wriggle your way into this office? Six months, seven..?'

'Hardly. Five, at most', Frances raised her hand to cover her heart in mock outrage, even as a wicked kind of amusement flickered in her eyes. 'Besides he doesn't need it right now, so I don't see how it does any harm.' The woman gave a sheepish shrug and returned to her chair, running a hand along the edge of the desk as she did so. Nina was sure she saw Jacobs' gaze follow the movement carefully. She was still struggling with the idea they'd let her witness such an exchange when Jacobs fixed that gaze on her.

'How's it going, Nina? Frances speaks highly of you, I'm looking forward to seeing what you two produce', his smile was warm and reminded Nina of their exchange from a week ago.

'Good, it's going good. I am really so grateful to Frances, Professor Barrow. I've always found the professors research focus fascinating.'

'And balancing it with school, do you think you'll be able to manage?' Nothing about his expression changed but the question clanged through her painfully, she swallowed against the lump in her throat.

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