Chapter 4

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Days later, Nina received an email from Dr. Jacobs, in which he gave his support to Barrow and her assessment of her work. He explained that the lecturer who had raised questions about the term paper had been suspended following accusations of fraternising with a student and falsifying student records, rendering his account null. Had she been alone, Nina would have cried. Roe and Jess exchanged a look as they witnessed the flurry of emotions that crossed her face as Nina opened and read the email. They didn't mention it when she looked back up from her phone and found them watching her. She turned her attention to Ava, who was teaching James how to fold an origami crane. Her pale hands patiently folded and refolded the napkin she had swiped from the café before heading to the main quad. James had decided his final oral presentation for his Modern Japanese History class would be about Hiroshima and he was determined to add an interactive element—hence the origami crane. His paper bird drooped miserably, its uneven wings causing it to list to the side. Ava laughed into the crook of her elbow as he huffed in frustration. Nina watched her friends as a warm contentment seeped under her skin.

Across from her, Jess tensed and then gazed over Nina's head. Roe waved at whoever it was approaching the group and Nina turned around to find Sam heading their way. She glanced back at Jess and found her already returning her gaze, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

'Would you look at that? It's Samantha!' Roe practically bellowed across the quad. Ava and Nina both cringed and cut a glare at Roe. 'Are you joining us for lunch?'

'If there's space,' Sam looked to Jess, who was watching her guardedly. Nina was surprised to note there was little tension in Jess' gaze, despite the evident distance between the two women. Sam would never push Jess further than she was ready to go, they all knew that. Jess recognised this for the truce it was, as the group glanced between the pair nervously.

'We'll make space,' Jess said, clear and bright over the bated breath of the group around them. Nina released the breath she didn't know she was holding as Sam sat down beside her, patting her knee as she did so. Sam wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave Nina a look that could only be described as apologetic before pulling her in a tight embrace.

'Glad to have you back,' she whispered into the curve of Sam's shoulder. As they pulled apart, Sam grinned at her and turned back to the group. Gradually, they slipped into a familiar rhythm. Roe and Sam argued loudly over the merits of some economic policy or other; Jess joined James in trying to fold a series of neat little cranes, though hers were infinitely superior to his unfailingly poor attempts; and Ava was telling Nina about her upcoming performance with the college orchestra. Nina was distantly aware that she should have been wary of how easily this resolution had come. A tug at the back of her mind warned her of its impossibility. She opted to ignore it. Eventually, the group parted ways, but not before agreeing to meet up on Friday. They only had a few weekends left before finals week and they were all determined to enjoy themselves until then.

With a renewed determination to find meaningful work to fill the upcoming summer, Nina headed toward Professor Barrow's office. Clearly, the woman knew her name; more than that, she thought highly of her work. Perhaps there was a chance of them working together after all. Before she could make it halfway across the quad, Roe and Jess intercepted her.

'Don't think you can just run off like that! We need to talk to you', Roe looked down at her pointedly, as she blew out a sigh. Jess was nodding beside them.

'We saw your reaction to that email you got earlier, and Roe told me you were acting weird on Monday after our lecture with Barrow.' Jess had always been too astute for her own good, she always saw through Nina without any difficulty.

'It's nothing.'

'It is not nothing', Roe frowned down at her.

'Why are you lying to us?' Jess looked almost hurt.

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