"It's a gift," Richie tells Eddie. Then he bumps Eddie's shoulder; he remembered something. "Are you feeling better? I forgot to ask." Eddie has on and off sickness, Richie has come to realize, though it only started up about a month ago. Neither boy knows what the matter is, but Eddie experiences nausea and insomnia relatively frequently.

"Yeah. I slept last night, finally," Eddie replies. "Thanks for asking."

"Of course, Spaghetti. Gotta make sure you're good. Spaghetti is top priority."

"Oh, can it... hey, Rich?" Eddie says. Nodding his head in reply, Richie keeps his eyes on the road this time. "Do you ever think about our parents? About what they must think? Do you... do you think they're looking for us?"

Absolutely not, is Richie's first thought. There is no way his parents are looking; with Richie out of their hair, they finally got what they wanted. Eddie's mother on the other hand... might be looking, or might be dead. When they first met, Eddie used to tell Richie about all the chores he had to do because his mother wasn't able. Richie thinks Mrs. Kaspbrak was probably just too lazy, but if she truly is so dependent on Eddie then perhaps she died without him on standby.

"They probably gave up looking," Richie says honestly. He can't tell if Eddie looks disappointed with that answer, because he digs his hands into the sleeves of his orange sweater and sinks back into his seat, shielding his face. "If they were, ya know, looking for us... wouldn't they have found us by now?" The car is silent at Eddie's lack of reply, and before Richie knows it, he's pulling into the parking lot of the nearby gas station. "Well, let's go get you that cherry slushie."

The car shuts off and Richie pushes his door open, smiling when the sharp cold air hits him in the face. He hears Eddie slam his door shut and then listens to the soft patter of his feet as he walks toward the store, but Richie just remains looking up at the sky. It is cloudy. Fall weather is enjoyable, nice and cool, perfect weather for light jackets and dark wash jeans. It is Richie's favorite time of year, and he's happy he gets to spend it with Eddie, his ride or die, his inevitable best friend.

"Hey, dumbass!" Richie hears Eddie call out. "You coming?" Turning toward Eddie, Richie thrusts his arms into the air, his grin widening. He lets out something of a yelp, and Eddie shakes his head as he bites back a laugh. Richie hears Eddie say, "You're so stupid!" But if being stupid makes Eddie smile, then Richie doesn't mind so much.

He walks toward Eddie and meets him just outside the gas station entrance. Holding the door open for Eddie jokingly, Richie presses his free arm against his stomach, bowing politely while saying, "After you, Eddie, my love."

"You're so ridiculous," Eddie says, walking inside anyway. Richie follows closely and they walk to the slushie machine that's within view of the front door. Eyeing the machine, Eddie seems pleased to find that they have his preferred flavor. Before he can reach for a cup, Richie grabs one and pushes it underneath the machine.

"Allow me, my love."

"I'm not your love," Eddie says, but his cheeks twinge pink. "I can do it myself," he insists, but he makes no movement to stop Richie as Richie takes the lead and fills the jumbo size cup to the top. And once its full, Richie hands it over to Eddie and grabs two straws from the dispenser. "We should probably grab some food here, too, right?" Richie hums in agreement and they head over to the corner of the shop where there are several food stations set up. Overall, the food here is pretty unhealthy. It isn't as though Richie particularly minds, but he knows Eddie does, because each time they stop for a meal Eddie takes a long time to decide, and he seems to choose while wearing the look of hesitance.

"If you don't see anything you like then we can wait it out to see if the hotel has anything," Richie suggests, because he knows the look Eddie wears, all weary and unsure, not wanting to be a bother so he stays quiet.

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