44 • Announcement

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"Will you go to the prom night this weekend?" Wonwoo asks as we are eating snacks while watching cartoons.

"I don't feel like it. I wanna stay at home," I say and he suddenlu becomes quiet. I look at him and he's looking down. "Well, if you want to go, I can go with you," I say while holding his hand. He smiles and nod vigorously.

"Let's wear our wedding dress!" He shouts excitedly.

"What?????! No! That dress wouldn't fit me anymore! It's been 5 months," I say with a pout.

"No! Let's try it," He says and pull my hand. I take my dress from the wardrobe and put it in front of me.

"See? I'm fatter now," I say in disappointment.

"Don't say that. No matter what, you're still my baby," He says while kissing my forehead. "Now go on and try it!" He says and closes the door. I wear the dress and to be honest it still fits me. But sure it is a little tight. Just a little little tight. 🙄

"How is it?" He asks and I open the door. He looks at me from head to toe and freeze.

"We can buy new one!" I say and was about to slam the door close.

"Wonderful," He mouthes.

"Hm? What?" I ask in confusion.

"It reminds me the day we promised to take care and cheer each other," Wonwoo says and walks closer to me. He caresses my hair and cheeks then lightly kisses my forehead. "You're pretty," He whispers into my ears and I just smile.


- The Prom Night ~

"We're going to be late!" I shout from the living room.

"That's fine princess. No one will care," Wonwoo says while wearing his coat and tying his bow. We both get in the car and Wonwoo drives to our university.

"I'm scared," I say as the car stop moving.

"Why? What's wrong?" Wonwoo asks while holding my hand.

"What if they don't believe what we told them?" I ask.

"As long as we believe, it's fine for me," Wonwoo says and comes out from the car to open the door for me. We get in the hall hand in hand. All eyes are on us but Wonwoo's deep voice immediately calms me down.

I found Ji Eun and Mark wear matching outfits sitting near the stage. They knew our plan and they told the MC beforehand before we even arrived.

"Hey guys~" Wonwoo says in the microphone. "I have something to tell you guys tonight," He continues.

"So I guess people already knew about this but I just don't want you guys to be confused or anything. Standing next to me, here is Rae In, my wife. We were once siblings, but somehow Rae In and I are not even related by blood," Wonwoo says and some people starts to nod meaning that they understand about our relationship.

"We've overcome this relationship so I hope you could accept us as who we are. We live happily now and I think this is the best choice I've done in my life," Wonwoo says while looking at me. He pulls me closer and kisses me in front of everyone. They cheer for us and I pull away from the kiss while blushing really hard.

"You don't have to do that in front of them!" I say in embarrassment but Wonwoo just laugh.

"I told you I'm going to do whatever I want to you." He says and I blush harder. "Because you're now mine forever and everyone know that," Wonwoo continues.

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Lots of love for Sunny Fairies! ❤️

Please promote this book if possible ❤️

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