Epilogue - Casting Shadows

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Alright, so this is it. I really hope you enjoyed this story about two pining idiots that went on for way too long and are happy with the ending... 

Thank you so so so so so much for reading this far and for all the lovely comments you've left that really motivated me to keep going. It really means to lot to me that you've spent your time reading this.

 So long, my friends! <3 <3 <3


                                 "Bittersweet Symphony" - The Verve

                                                 "You and I" - Wilco

Louis left the university building in late afternoon and was greeted by the blinding light of a winter sun, reflected on the thin powder blanket on the London streets that would probably be gone by tomorrow.

He closed his eyes for a second and held his face up to the light, reflecting on the day behind and the what was still to come. The briefcase with his students' essays inside was clutched tightly to his chest. When he had first enrolled to becoming an acting coach at uni, the idea had seemed foolish to him and when - to his horror and shock - he had actually gotten the job, the nerves had been unbearable. Before his first ever lesson, he had almost thrown up, so much more nervous than he had ever been before any of his plays. But now, the only thing he felt before one of his lessons, was excitement and... joy. He loved his job.

One of his fingers trailed around his wrist to the spot he knew so well, the small sign inked there. His finger bumped against the watch around his wrist and he cursed, reminded of the time.

Quickly, Louis hurried in the direction of the next tube station and squeezed himself between two disgruntled looking people wearing headphones until he left the train at his station.

He left the underground and walked five minutes to his apartment, the carpet floor warming his feet as he took off his shoes, trousers and jumper to exchange them for an only slightly rumpled white shirt and tie.

He quickly warmed up a plate of cold left over noodles and stuffed them in his mouth while catching up on the latest football game he had missed because of preparations for class. Of course his clean white shirt did not survive the noodles unharmed and he took it off and rummaged around his closet bare chested in search of another unstained one.

The phone rang and Louis fished for it under his pile of discarded clothes on the floor. "Where are you, mate? It's almost time."

Louis was panicking now, wildly throwing shirts and boxers over his shoulder. Still no sign of a nice clean shirt. "Shit, shit, shit."

"That doesn't sound very promising."

"I'm sorry, Niall, I'll be right there. I can't find a clean shirt, maybe I'll just try to wash out the stain I the other one."

"Who cares about your shirt, Louis? Just get here, naked if you have to, just please don't be late."

Louis sighed and gave up on his search. "I won't be late, I promise. I just really wanted to look nice tonight."

"No one will care what you look like."

"I'll care!"

A sigh crackled over the line. "You'll look nice no matter what you wear, Louis. As long as it's not a full tracksuit."

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