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                                                  "When The Stars Go Blue" - Ryan Adams

The bed springs creaking, Louis turned to his side as he tried and failed to go back to sleep. Never worked, did it?

Accepting his defeat, he succumbed to peeling himself off the mattress and sidled to the kitchen. The flat was quiet, the doors to Liam's and Niall's rooms firmly shut. Passing the living room, he saw Zayn lying on the couch, Liam on a make-shift mattress constructed of pillows beside him. Liam's unacceptable black cap was pulled over his face, making him look like a very modern, very neat tramp.

In front of the door beside the kitchen, leading to Liam's room, Louis halted. Feeling very stupid and very pathetic, he slowly rested the tips of his fingers against the wood, as if he could feel Harry's breathing vibrating through it. Being in love with Harry already felt like something he had been struggling with forever. Maybe it had.

After another desperate glance at the door, he ripped his finger pads from the door and finished his voyage to the kitchen where he poured himself one or maybe five bowls of consecutive cereals, eating them in airy silence, the ticking of the clock and distant chirping of returning birds his only company. Quite sad, given that there were four other peers in this flat and still he was eating alone. Bless.

Throwing a glance at the clock, he was not all that surprised to see it was already late afternoon. What he was surprised about however, was that for the second time already, he was the one who woke up the earliest. (Even if early meant five pm in his case) If it kept going at this rate, he would maybe even become an early bird. At the thought, he shoveled another spoon of sugary fruit loops into his mouth, fighting against the dreadful shiver.

Bored, he left the kitchen and, once again, stopped next to Liam's door. This time, he raised his hand more determinedly, knocking curtly and softly.

Behind him, someone yawned loudly. "I think he's already gone."

Louis turned around, trying to look nonchalant. "Oh, really? When?"

Liam, leaning against the living room doorframe, yawned again, lifting his arms over his head to grip the upper frame to stretch. Louis' eyes narrowed at the sight of Liam's stomach muscles rippling and stretching under the gap between where his shirt had ridden up and his sleeping trousers (white with red fire engines). The cereal marinating in his own stomach grumbled dirtily.

"I heard him leave a few hours ago," Liam replied, dropping his arms from the doorframe.

"Oh. Okay." Louis tried not to look disappointed. He had hoped to discuss yesterday's concert with Harry today, reliving every detail and every line of every song. But if Harry wanted to be alone or with his aunt right now, that was absolutely fine. Even if it made Louis' mood dampen significantly.

Over Liam's shoulder, he saw Zayn's sleepy head emerge over the back of the couch, hair tousled like a hackly raven. Blindly, he fumbled for his glasses and put them on, immediately lightening at the sight of Louis and Liam watching him. "Morning," he piped up, then, with a glance out the window, added, "Or evening, I guess."

The sun had already started its decent, glowing red and orange through the window panes. Good-bye sleep rhythm, Louis thought, resigned.

"I should get going now," Zayn said, rolling off the sofa with a surprising amount of grace. Louis glanced at Liam, waiting for him to object and ask Zayn to stay longer, but Liam didn't. Bloody idiot.

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