Do Not Go Gentle

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Okay, so this is sort of the final chapter, but there will be an epilogue soon... 

Thank you very much for still bearing with me and reading this story till (almost) the end! <3 <3 You're amazing!!

Epilogue will be here very soon :)


                                         If I Could Fly - One Direction

Harry looked through the pub window at his moon white vintage car waiting impatiently on the curb, its boot filled with suitcases and bags, his entire life, all packed up in a few cardboard boxes.

"We'll all miss you here, Harry." Niall was perched on the bar stool beside Harry. „Promise to visit us from time to time."

Harry tried to look cheerful. „I'll try."

"And your drink is on the house tonight. Actually, your next three drinks are, so I can keep you a little longer."

From the other end of the room, Calvin gestured wildly for Niall while serving another table their drinks.

"That's very generous, but I have to drive."

Calvin marched over to the bar, a tray under his arm. "Niall Horan, get your ass back behind that bar, stop talking to your friend and start doing your job."

Niall calmly slid off the stool while Calvin stomped off to the next table. "Then no alcohol for you, but I'll give you so much free juice you will have to stop about every ten minutes for a wee." As he spoke, he slid a glass of sticky apple juice over the bar to Harry.

While Harry sipped his juice, Niall started pouring beer. "Have you already said good-bye to the others? Liam and Zayn, I mean."

"I paid their new flat a visit yesterday. It's nice."


"Niall!" Calvin barked as he suddenly appeared behind them. "Take that tray and get to work."

Niall grabbed a tray and some pints. "Already on it." He shot Harry an apologetic look. "Sorry, I'll be right back. You drink your apple juice."

Harry dutifully obeyed and emptied his glass as he waited for Niall to return. After five minutes, Niall was back, spilled beer on the front of his shirt and a sheen of sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, Niall, I think it's time for me to go now. Don't want to keep you from work."

Niall looked disappointed. "Oh, right. Of course. Let me just make you one more drink."

Harry nodded, secretly glad about not having to leave just now. Just one more drink. Ten more minutes. Or maybe twenty.

Niall busied himself behind the counter. "I'll make you Calvin's disgusting witch brew, the one you had your first time here. For old time's sake. Non-alcoholic, of course."

The drink he placed before Harry with a proud grin was neon blue and fluorescent and triggered all kinds of memories in Harry. Maybe it was time to get on the road after all. Or maybe just ten more minutes here. Only ten.

He tentatively sipped his drink which was very sticky and very disgusting.

He peered at the clock above the door. Maybe another twenty minutes wouldn't hurt. That was final. Twenty minutes.

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