He let out an exasperated sigh despite the tense situation. "Silver, the key element to destroy wolf kind. And the moon, the key source of power to wolf kind."

"I don't understand how my last name relates to why Miss Anderson thought I was a werewolf." I answered, unsure of Aarons confessions.

"Legend says the Argent family were the patient zero of the wolf infection, with Zachariah Argent being the first tunid to be bitten by a possessed dog, infected by the devil." Aaron said, his voice full of forbidding. "He went rabid, terrorising small villages and adding to his pack until human kind lived in fear."

"So she believed I was a werewolf because my last name was the same as the first werewolf?" I finished, my voice wavering with shock.

Aaron nodded, his face wiped clean of any emotion. "Obviously your father wasn't a werewolf otherwise he would have been dealt with years ago. But the Argent family are said to be the most powerful source of werewolves as their blood line is linked to The First Werewolf." He searched my eyes, almost as if in wonder of how oblivious I was about my heritage. "No wonder she immediately assumed you were the supernatural."

But I only frowned in response, attempting to wrap my head around the idea that even the meaning to my own last name was hidden from me.

You had your father's eyes and your mothers determined face. I knew you would be an Argent.

"Isaac didn't protect you from Miss Anderson for your sake, he did it for himself."

But then I rose my head to meet his eyes. "Why would he do that? If he wanted me dead so much he could've left me bleeding in the forest."

Aaron only swallowed again, this simple movement causing his Adams apple to travel across the skin of his neck. "If she killed you, it wouldn't be too long before she decided to target someone else suspicious. Isaac knew she would eventually turn to him. He only wanted to keep you alive as a distraction."

I said nothing but felt my teeth tear the first layer of my tongue as I bit down on it.

"Do you remember those strangers at Isaac's party?" Aaron quickly said, his eyes blazing with sudden thought.

I inclined my head in a swift yes. I remember Mum saying something about there was unidentifiable teenagers at the party that didn't live in Brookefield – but that was the only information we were given.

Aaron leaned in closer to me, his eyes searching mine. "Those weren't city kids; they were Isaacs pack members."

I blinked at him dumbly, questions flying through my head. "They were?"

"How else do you think he managed to poison your drink?" Aaron replied earnestly. "Henry, the guy who gave you the drink wasn't just a drunk dickhead, he was one of Isaac's members that was under his orders to give you the spiked drink."

I didn't quite hear the last of his sentence, I was still hiding my shock at hearing Aaron swear. This was a completely different Aaron in front of me. An Aaron with no boundaries or barricades. An Aaron with widened, truthful eyes and a glorious look of urgency sprawling across his face.

"I don't believe he would spike my drink, he saved me in the warehouse as well. It contradicts his intentions" I said back, shoving down the sudden flicker of dread that began to create a lump in the back of my throat.

But Aaron only made a noise of frustration, combing his hands through his hair as he shook his head.

"He wanted to find the warehouse just as much as you. He would do anything to uncover and destroy the weapons that were killing his kind."

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