Girls' Night Out

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The episode opens with an outside shot of Sam Manes. Camera zooms in and fades to a shot of Sam Manes flying up a building being pursued by Johnny 13 riding on his motorcycle. Johnny's motorcycle's headlights fire blue ecto-blasts from its headlight at Sam Manes. Sam flying in hot pursuit, two arms bent. Sam swings and fires a couple of ecto-blast at Johnny 13, who dodges those blasts. Johnny 13 continued to pursue Sam Manes. From a building above, Shadow peeks down.

Sam's So, Johnny! You work alone now? Finally ditched that stupid...(gets grabbed by the Shadow in both hands and is tackled off-screen, Sam screams.) SHADOOOOOOOW!

Shadow stretches itself across two poles, making slingshot across the roof and launches Sam onto a couple of roofs until he hit a Penelope Ambit billboard. The smoke parts to reveal a slightly bruised Sam Manes on the billboard. She opened her eyes in disgust. Sam lying in the cracked hole in the billboard.

Sam: Ugh. Talk about urban blight!

Two hands suddenly grab her by the shirt from off-screen and pulls her up out of the billboard, then holds her up by the shirt. Johnny, still on his motorcycle, is riding next to Shadow, smirking in victory.

Sam: What do you want, Johnny?

Johnny: Relax, kid, relax. I'm just blowing off some steam. Me and Kitty had a spat. What do you do when you and the Astro-Baby have a lovers' quarrel.

Sam: What? W-We never... I-I mean we aren't… Look, Johnny, you can either go back to the Ghost Zone willingly or I can make you go.

Johnny: I'm digging that tough act, little dude. But don't worry, I'm gone.

Sam: And [points at Shadow] take The Dork of Darkness with you.

Shadow growls at Sam, then puts her down.

Johnny: See ya on the flip side, kid. And thanks for the game.

Johnny and Shadow take off. Sam, in an attempt of getting payback, discreetly fires ectoplasm from her finger and stings the backside of Shadow, who continues to fly off. Cut to Sam. In the foreground, Skulker is hiding behind a water tank, observing Sam's fight. Sam then takes off. Cut to Skulker.

Skulker: My turn.

Cut to Skulker looks down at the photo of his girlfriend in a pink picture frame. Ember McLain is in the center with her hands on her hips. Then, crushes it with his bare hand.

Scene change: Ghost Zone. We see rows of purple doors and bizarre staircases. A trio of female ghosts and a male ghost are standing on a floating rock island. Cut to a close-up of the girl trio looking down at the male ghost. Kitty is on one side with her hands on her hips, Melancholia is in the middle with her hands on her hips, and Ember is on the other side crossing her arms and leaning back, her hunting gear hanging behind her back. Cut to Bertrand. He smiles nervously and blinks twice. Close-up of Kitty.

Kitty: Let me get this straight, Johnny and Skulker just took off for Amity Park to blow off steam because Ember and me had a fight [gets up close] with them?

Bertrand: What do expect? [To Kitty] You told Johnny that his bike wasn't as important as you were, and [to Ember] you told Skulker he was a lousy boyfriend because he can't hunt. Close-up at Ember.

Ember: [raises her hands] He is! He can't even find the T.V. remote.

Melancholia: Uhh, why didn't you go with them?

Bertrand: They didn't invite me. Why else would I tell you where they went?

Cut to Kitty.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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