(2) Studio Sparks

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Demi's Prov

It's Thursday morning and today I'm going to meet Nick in the studio, I grab my bag and head out to my car. *Ring* *Ring*

"Hello "

"Hey Dems it's Nick " I smiled slightly at his nickname for me.

"Oh hi yeah I'm on my way to the studio now, I'm just gonna stop at the nearest Starbucks to get some breakfast, you want anything?"

"No I'm fine thanks, I've already eaten, I will let you get back to driving I was just wondering how far away you were."

"Oh yeah, okay bye."

"Bye Dem"


Figuring I must be late since Nick had called, I quickly raced into Starbucks and ordered my usual.


I arrived a few minutes later and got out of my car, the paparazzi had found me and followed me from Starbucks, I put my head down covering my eyes and dashed into the HWR door.

"You're here finally" Nick spoke.

"Yeah, so how have you been the past few days" I said as I took a seat next to Nick.

"I've been great, been looking forward to today" his words made me blush a deep red.

"Awh I have to, so anyway what exactly do you have planned."?

"Well I was thinking we should record some for my new album and some for yours to?"

"Sounds great!"


After about 5-6 hours in the studio writing, recording and listening to some new material, we decided it was home time.

"Well I guess that's it for the day" I spoke slowly and with a little sadness in my voice, I had lots of fun today, recording with Nick was always my favourite.

He spoke instantly, almost like he had detected the sadness in my voice, "Well it's not really late, you could come round to my apartment for afternoon tea if you'd like?" He smiled his big, goofy smile and I mirrored it, "I'd love too." "Okay yass" he did a little winning hand action which was adorable and made me giggle.

"You lead the way then caption."


I followed Nick though downtown LA, till we came to a rather large and flash looking apartment block, he parked underground and I parked in the little guest car park area. I meet Nick at the front of the apartment, lucky there was no sign of any paparazzi. "Right this way" he said holding open the door to his apartment room for me. "You're such a gentleman." "Well I like to treat my ladies right he winked." I burst out in a fit of giggles as I took my heels of and fell on one of his dark blue couches. When I had finally got myself together I managed to look over at Nick just smiling at me, "this is nice" I said looking around the living room that I was lying in. "Thanks I've been here for about a year, it's nice and I have great neighbours but it can get really lonely here sometimes." "Well maybe we should hang out more often so I can fix that problem." "I'd really love that" he said. "Yeah me to, so have you got anything to eat? I'm starving." "He smiled and got up walking into the kitchen, I soon followed him sitting on one of the stools, "Sooo what ya making?" "Well that depends what do you want?" "Ummmm" I did my best thinking face and he chuckled a little, "how about cheese and crackers?" He asked. "Yum, sounds good!" "Okay well I'll make them and you go find something to watch on TV?" "Deal" I jumped off the stool and went to the TV, flicking through various channels not finding anything great on, "Nick do you have the ID channel?" I shouted out to him, "yes of course I do" I jumped and did a little squeal, one of my favourite shows was on!! I had just gotten comfortable on the couch when Nick walked through with a very pretty and delicious looking platter. "Here you are" he passed me the platter, and I took a few crackers and some cheese before placing it on the small coffee table in front of us.


Before I knew it we had finished everything on the platter and I was curled into Nick's side with my head on his chest. I had just woken up went Nick moved under me, "sorry to wake you, but it's almost 9pm and I was supposed to be at moms half an hour ago." "Oh shit sorry, did I fall asleep?" He smiled a sexy sleepy smile, "yeah but don't worry, I did to." "Oh." I grinned a little, while picking up my stuff and heading to the door, "well I hope your family isn't to mad at you, because I had a great time." "Don't worry about them, they will be fine. I did to! We should do this again some time?" "We should!" And before I knew it Nick walked up to me, wrapping me in his big muscular arms and kissed my cheek, I blushed a little and the minute his soft lips touched my skin, I knew in that moment i was falling for Nick, really hard.


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Nikki x

What will happen next? A Nemi FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora