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Alice POV
We are standing at the treaty line talking to the pack to let them know were back when we hear a evil laugh we all look up and see a blue haired, blue eyed girl with blue sparkly wings land gracefully next to the treaty line. She turns more and my jaw drops does my family's. Why you ask. Well because its bella. Bella is standing before us her skin paler then ours. Her once brown hair is now light blue and hangs down to her ankles. Her eyes match her hair. She has perfect eyebrows, perfect skin, perfect blue nails, and perfect make up. Her make up is blue as well. She look like a blue fairy. She has a dark blue spaghetti strap crop top with a swim suit top underneath. And she has bootie shorts that appear to have once been army pants. She is barefoot but neither the ground nor her feet looked touched. She smiles "What is this a family reunion?" We all just stare at her in shock. She tells us more stuff and then surprises us by saying that charlie is with the volturi. She then gets a call from cauis telling her she has a mission for the south and that he knows she doesnt like it down there but shes good at it. Good at what? Killing? She hangs up and then jumps down her wings coming back out. And my they are huge. She hugs jacob then turns and jumps into the air throwing mud at us with her wings ruining all of our clothes. Esme starts crying. Not over her clothes but over the fact that bella isnt like bella. Shes there and shes not. This isnt the bella we knew.

We soon run home and Carlisle calls for a meeting. We all sit in a chair at the dining table and he sighs "Well... bella is alive. We need to figure out how to help her." I nod "Shes different. I'm not sure how shes alive. I saw her die. I saw her body in the casket and now there she was right in front of us perfectly fine. Better then fine actually. She has to be the most beautiful creature I've ever seen." We all jump when we hear "Yes. My kind usually is quite beautiful." We turn to see bella walk in with her dad, jane, and alec. Her dad looks at Edward glaring and then lightning hits a tree. Bella notices and hisses at her father "Control yourself or I'll send you home!" He nods "Sorry Iz." She sighs "Its ok. I did the same at first. Its hard I know. " she smiles and retracts her wings them going into her back. "I came to help you. Alice should be getting a vision in 5..4..3..2..1." I'm sucked into a vision

I see Victoria and a newborn army across the field and they see bella and charge. Bellas wings extend and she jumps up and glares at them lightning coming out of her eyes killing most of them. Then she flaps her big wings and the newborns are all flown back except Victoria. Bella lands on the ground and runs to her and they start fighting as we fight and kill the newborns and watch as bella who seems to be bored disassembles Victoria slowly not getting a scratch in the process.

I gasp and look at bella who is smirking. I shake my head and look at Carlisle "they are here to help us with victoria. The wolves will be in on it too." He nods and looks at me "How long do we have?" I sigh "Two weeks." Bella chuckles darkly "Oh, I can't wait!" She bounces in place excitedly. Her very tall body making her look like a giant baby. Bella laughs and looks at me "A giant baby? That's a good one. What is it you call me son." Alec smiles "Ball buster." Jane nods "The ruthless queen." Charlie smiles "The executioner." We all gasp. No fucking way. The executioner is bella. Bella rolls her eyes "Nobody calls me that anymore. I'm Iz." I nod. She turns and zooms in a blur to the living room and sitting in her favorite recliner that she loved as a human. She smiles and nods "This was my favorite chair. I almost stole it the last time I was here. She chuckles "Yes edward I did steal your piano." Jane snorts "You mean murdered." Alec nods "Yea mom. Tell him where you put the ashes." Charlie chuckles evilly "  That would have been my idea to put the ashes in his bed." Edward squeaks "You killed my baby. And put her in my bed." Bella smirks and nods "I sho did. I had fun doin it too."

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