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"Bella, we're leaving." That's all I heard him say. I knew he wouldn't let me go with so I nodded holding back the tears and made a mental promise he would regret this decision. I looked him straight in the eye "If that's what you want." I said it with confidence and determination in my voice. He smiled kindly "But, if it's not too much to ask. Can you do one thing for me?" I nod "Sure Edward. Anything." He smiles "Dont do anything reckless. For Charlie's sake. And I'll promise you something in return. You'll never see or hear from me again. It'll be like I never exist." I nod "Sure Edward." I get my emotionless mask up and he nods and kisses my forehead then hes gone. I sigh and turn and slowly walk to my house. I go in and start dinner.

Charlie arrives later to see me putting everything the cullens got me in a storage bin. He goes wide eyed and looks at me shocked "Umm... Bells?? Why are you packing all of the stuff the cullens gave you?" I sigh "They left. He broke up with me and they left. Edward was the only one to say goodbye. I'm done with them. I'm donating all this stuff." My dad nods and pats my back "If that's what you want." I nod and finish putting all the stuff in it. I sigh "I'm gonna go shopping. I'm gonna get some new stuff. I dont want anything they gave me." He nods "Ok bells. Here's some money. You've been doing good in school. You deserve this." I nod "Thank you dad."

I take the money putting it in my wallet and slipping it into my bra. I grab the container and take it to my truck. I grab my keys and phone and then get in my truck. I head towards Port Angeles and go by the donation store. I walk in and take my box to the desk. I give them the box then I grab my ticket and start shopping. I look through the clothes and find some really dressy clothing that would make Alice jealous. I sigh and close my eyes.

Bella! Forget about them! They left you! They didnt want you!

I sigh my internal voice is right. I grab the stuff I need and take it the cashier and give her my ticket. I get all the stuff for free since I donated. I smile as I walk to my truck throwing my bags in. I smile when I get a idea. I quickly hop in my truck and start driving to the dealership. I see a jeep bigger then I've ever seen. Even bigger than emme....

Gosh Darn it! Everything reminds me of them.

I sigh and pull in. I walk to the jeep and see that they accept trade ins. I walk to the dealer and smile. He smiles "May I help you?" I nod "I would like to see about a possible trade in for that Purple four door jeep." He smiles "Sure. All you have to do is sign over your current vehicle and sign some more papers. And you can have the trade." I nod "I've already called my Insurance company they've agreed." He nods and goes into his office and comes out with a clip board. "Will you take me to you current vehicle?" I nod and take him to my truck "She may be old but all of her internal organs are brand new." He chuckles "Ok then. I've never heard that one." He writes down the license plate and phones my insurance. I then sign some papers and I put all my stuff in my new baby. I then recieve the keys and I'm off to my last stop.

I drive down Port Angeles all the way to the tattoo and piercing parlor. Cheesy name I know. I pull in and walk in. The woman at the desk smiles "You must be Bella Swan." I nod. She smiles "So what would you like done today." I smile "A nose and eyebrow piercing along with two tattoos." She smiles and nods "Ok please sit in this chair while I get everything ready. What tattoos would you like?" I smile and pull out my phone

 What tattoos would you like?" I smile and pull out my phone

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She smiles "Good choices

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She smiles "Good choices."
She starts with my piercings. I have to say it did hurt but eh so did having my heart broken. She smiles when shes finished and then starts on my tattoos which take four hours. Once finished she bandages them up and I pay for them. I smile "Thank you." I walk out and then see a beauty shop and decide to get my hair done. I go to it and walk in. The lady smiles "Hello. May I help you?" I nod "I would like to get my hair died a dark purple." She smiles and nods "Sure thing. Come sit right here." I sit and she dyes my hair. When shes done I pay and go home. I see that my father is asleep and I smile. I then get a idea. I'm eighteen. I graduated three weeks ago and I'm gonna join the Army. I go to my phone and look up the number and call.

Army recruiter- Hello. This is Jared the Army recruiter for Washington. May I help you?
Bella- Yes I would like to join the Army.
Army recruiter- Ok. Well I need to ask a few questions first. First, How old are you?
Bella- I'm eighteen years old.
Army recruiter- Ok. I'm guessing you graduated. Am I right?
Bella- Yes I graduated three weeks ago.
Army recruiter- Ok last question. Where do you live?
Bella- I live in Forks, Washington with my father Chief Charlie Swan.
Army recruiter- Ok. I will be sending you a letter soon. To tell you where to go for basic training.
Bella- Thank you.
Army recruiter- Anytime. Have a good day. I hope to be seeing you soon.
He then hangs up and I smile.
Now I just have to wait.
Wait for the mail.

I didnt have to wait long. It arrived six days later. I told my dad packed my bag and got on the first flight to Georgia.

As I'm on the plane I think alice I hope you can see this. And I hope you regret leaving. If I die it's on you. And if i get turned then I'm coming after you. Beware cullens.

I smile and close my eyes.

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